Trip Report
Basic Rock Climb - The Tooth/South Face
Successful trip to the Tooth in perfect weather and good snow conditions.
- Tue, May 28, 2019
- Basic Rock Climb - The Tooth/South Face
- The Tooth/South Face
- Climbing
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Opted for the summer route as weather was warm recently with some rain. Route is in a very good condition. Pretty much snow free until the Snow Lake fork. Afterwards some post hole danger in the Source lake band and a few thin snow bridges. At upper elevation snow cover is still quite good. The moat in Pineapple pass exists but we were able to cross onto the rock and scoot above or besides the moat, this move is a bit more tricky on the way back if you choose not to rappel from the base. The walk around the pass to the base of the climb was in a good condition but sketchy as always. The climb itself was completely dry with no major events. On the way back we opted to do the walk around again, but a rappel from the base (2x 60m) is possible as the snow is still quite high. Walkout was again uneventful except a few postholes in lower elevation next to Source lake.
Started early at 6AM definitely help avoid the postholing. Everyone were on the summit by noon and at the cars just past 4PM.