Despite the persistently poor air quality this month, Mountaineers were still out and about in full force, making last-minute adjustments and strategically planning their outdoor excursions toward clearer skies so they could make the most of fall’s last few sunny days.
So much adventuring took place this October that it was quite a challenge to choose only 10 trip reports from the extensive list that was posted. This month, enjoy some lovely trip reports including sea kayaks, day hikes, and climbing, many of which include impressively descriptive route details and cheerful, smiling photos that will inspire you to get outside and explore with your Mountaineers community.
Day Hike - Bearhead Mountain, Oct 8
This hike was a piece of cake. Just kidding - but they did have cake! In this trip report, enjoy some sunny and pika-filled photos of a day hike to Bearhead Mountain, plus some really helpful warnings of road conditions to protect your vehicle from skidding and damaging. Congrats to one of the hikers for completing the last hike on the Rainier 100 list!
“After what seemed like a quick hike along the switchbacks we arrived at the top of Bearhead. It was now time for celebration. This was the final hiking peak of the 15 hiking peaks on the Rainier 100 list for one of the participants. Since I knew this in advance I had prepared a sign for them to hold up for photo ops thinking that would be a neat thing. My assistant leader also knew this and, not to be outdone, had secretly transported an entire cake in their pack to the top along with plates and utensils! What a surprise this was for everyone.” -Jerrick Linde
Climb - Solid Gold & Stanley Burgner, Prusik Peak, Oct 1
This trip report sounds like a perfect way to end the summer climbing season. Enjoy some stunning photos of golden morning sunlight hitting the tips of Dragontail peak, action shots of tight shimmying between chockstone, vast summit photo views, and more.
“The weather was perfect. Not too cold for the rock to numb your hands but also not too warm to be sweating either. I thought I would be a bit too tired to climb 10+ trad but the physical crux of the first pitch was not too bad. We had some rope drag shenanigans on the second pitch due to how the rope passes the roof but otherwise we quickly enjoyed the 4 pitches. Personally I felt like the last pitch was hardest for me since it was a layback on a thin crack.” -Rio Hoshi
Sea Kayak - Protection Island, Oct 19
This trip required some last-minute adjustment due to the poor air quality, but it sounds like it ended up being a wonderful adventure nonetheless. As always with sea kayakers, this is a very immersive trip report that details some wonderful wildlife sightings like eagles, porpoises, and sea lions. I also learned that when anticipating the trip capacity for a sea kayak you may have to take into consideration the numerous seals that tend to tag along!
“[Protection] island is one of the jewels in the Washington Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Complex that also includes Dungeness Spit and the San Juan Islands. It is approximately 4 miles long when including the spits that extend south from the east and west ends of the island. It sits like an upside down smile just outside Discovery Bay. It gives us a lot to smile about. Approximately 70% of the bird population of Puget Sound and the Strait nest on its steep shorelines!” - Lisa Johnson
Alpine Scramble - Not Hinkhouse, South Ingalls & Fortune Peaks, Oct 12
This report is one half trip report and one half photo album. There are loads of great shots that feature scrambling in action, resting mountain goats, golden larches, and rewarding summit photos. They even captured the cutest photo of a pika I’ve ever seen.
“At the col, most parties heading to South Ingalls seem to go around the back side of the peak. This is absurd, as you can instead go directly up onto South Ingalls from the col. There is a really fun move of high class 3 (maybe low class 4 in spots) solid rock with good holds and only brief exposure. To avoid the worst of the exposure, one can squeeze through a big crack between the rocks, too. This was certainly the most fun rock scramble section of the entire day.” -Chris Pribbernow
Day Hike - Burroughs Mountain, Oct 9
These day hikers to Burroughs Mountain got to enjoy a trail mostly to themselves with some incredible perspectives of Mt. Rainier. With blue skies and pristine glacier views, this trip made for a very pleasant – and very photogenic – hike!
“We took the Burroughs Loop trail past Shadow Lake back to Sunrise for a different experience and views. It was a nice change, not many other hikers. The forested stretch was pleasant and relaxing. All in all, a wonderful day out with fellow adventurers!” -Nancy Lloyd
Alpine Scramble - Steamboat Prow & Mount Ruth, Oct 1
Want to get up close and personal with a glacier? Read this trip report. There are some stunning perspective shots of tiny hikers beside expansive glacier landscapes as well as some smiley summit photos that will warm your heart.
“Warm temperatures got you down? Cozy up to a cubic mile of ice! A great fall day with stunning vistas in all directions.” - Dave Morgan
Basic Rock Climb - Yellowjacket Tower/East Flank, Oct 1
This trip report details some really helpful technical advice on route conditions and cams and anchor placement. Although the conditions involved moderate rockfall danger and “satanically sliding dirt,” the group held their own and when things got slightly dicey with a sprained ankle, their First Aid lead was well prepared to take good care.
“We entered a band of smoke around 2100’, which affected one party member, but we agreed to proceed and entered what I dubbed “nature’s garbage chute”: consisting of branches, limbs, dirt, sand, scree, and every other thing under the sun. After picking our way through, we went right of the large chockstone and climbed a few Class 4 boulders, which are spicy enough to recommend coaching if necessary.” -Steven Johnson
Alpine Scramble - Banshee Peak, Oct 1
This trip also involved some last-minute adjustments to account for poor air quality, but the group was eventually able to find a similar scramble with fresher air. They were surprised to see how dry and brown the vegetation was compared to August’s landscape and, upon spotting some basalt columns, hiked with many geological questions in mind that were serendipitously answered by a professional geologist at the summit.
“On our way up to Banshee we got onto the topic of basalt columns, and wondered how they were formed. When we reached Panhandle Gap, we had some cell service, but not enough to query the all-knowing web to answer this burning question. As luck would have it, we were on the peak at the same time as a professional geologist, who obliged us by holding office hours on the summit. He not only explained the formation of basalt columns but shared several other geologic tidbits with us. You never know who you’ll meet on a summit.” -Mary Lou Biggs
Alpine Sport Climb - Bastille, Oct 12
Described as a “mission of discovery,” there was not much beta to prepare for this climb, but this trip report fills in some gaps. Read on for descriptive route photos that show color-coordinated outlines of the various possible climbing routes, and some fun on-the-spot names given to rock features and sections of the climb. Apparently the climbing here is pretty excellent, so check out this trip report and take a visit for yourself before it becomes more widely-known.
“The rock quality was excellent. Feet stuck to the rock very well. Finger holds were small, but positive and not generally down sloping. Despite the steep exposure and seeming lack of holds, taking a deep breath and surveying each move, there was always some nice little flake, or nub, or small ledge or cove to get the toes on. Bolt spacing was close enough that I never felt all that run out. Felt 5.8-ish to me.” -Steve Mccarthy
Alpine Scramble - Gove, Tolmie, Howard, Alki Crest, & Florence Loop, Oct 15
Meadows. Steep scrambles. Summits. Lakes. This trip report has it all. The images show what rock features to expect and also sketch the route each member took when scrambling steeper sections of the hike. Although the scrambling involved some tricky navigating of rocky areas and cliffy sections, the group did a wonderful job traveling safely. Plus there are some really great golden hour summit photos featuring a glowing mountain in the background.
“A wide range of terrain on this very gorgeous and strenuous scramble (~18 miles, ~5500’ gain). This clockwise trip (12+ hours car to car) was a bit less than our prior counter-clockwise trip (13 hours), but with a shorter trip time in spite of twice the party size and 2 miles longer. I would definitely recommend the clockwise version over the other.” -Dave Morgan