Always keep moving forward,
Pushing your limits, and
Remember, each obstacle
Is a chance to grow, to
Learn from the past and thrive.
-Author unknown
April is the first whole month of spring, teasing promises of warmer weather that May is sure to keep. Read on for our Top 10 Trip Reports from the ambitious month of April!
Basic Snowshoe - Commonwealth Basin, Apr 1
"Snowshoeing in a winter wonderland!" - Barbara Folmer
These snowshoe enthusiasts got just what they wanted, "some exercise in a beautiful snowy woods and good company."
Sea Kayak - Camano Island, Apr 7
"Even though the tide was going out for the first half of the trip we managed to see a pod of gray whales far off across Port Susan..." - Doug Palm
These sea kayaking Mountaineers enjoyed calm waters, a light rain that gave way to sunshine, and a plethora of wildlife: hooded mergansers, bald eagles, and a banded kingfisher (oh my!).
Road Trip & Hikes - Umtanum Ridge Vista Trail, Apr 10-11
"Gorgeous weather, no crowds, minimal hazards" - Dave Morgan
These road-tripping hikers unlocked the secret to managing intermittent bad weather. The answer? A two-day loop road trip, providing the ability to reverse course in accommodation of the weather's twists and turns.
Day Hike - Rattlesnake Ledge, Apr 12
"A successful trip and another hike complete for our CHS students!!" - Diann Sheldon
Mountaineers of the Tacoma Branch Conditioning Hiking Series enjoyed their April hike on the newly improved trail (shout out to the Washington Trails Association) of Rattlesnake Ledge!
Intermediate Alpine Climb - Mount Hood: Illumination Saddle Routes, Apr 14-15
"We broke trail the entire way..." - Jerry Logan
Untracked and fairly deep snow made for a long, and moderately challenging, alpine climb of Mount Hood.
Cross-country Ski - White Pass Nordic Center, Apr 15
"Snow the consistency of ice cream..." - Mike Forsyth
Thanks to a courtesy grooming ala White Pass Nordic, these cross-country skiers enjoyed a great day of skiing, with even better company!
Whitewater Packraft - Cedar River: Landsburg to Maple Valley, Apr 15
"We scraped but did not have to portage any of the cobble bars." - Logan DeGrand
These Mountaineers enjoyed a full day on the river during their whitewater packrafting trip. Highlights include practicing catching eddies and waves, avoiding wood hazards, portaging, and exiting in the current!
Sea Kayak - Lake Washington, Apr 15
"The eagle hovered for a few seconds over the coots kinda like me at an all-you-can-eat buffet table..." - Rene Buendia
Participants of this sea kayak enjoyed optimal paddling conditions of the Slough and Lake Washington. It should be noted that the walk from the parking lot to the beach is flat, but long (especially when transporting your boat!).
Day Hike - Clark's Creek Park, Apr 19
"Just as spring buds emerge on the cottonwoods, we caught what appeared to be a heron rookery high in trees on the Puyallup Loop Trail with at least thirty-one nests." - Lisa Elliott
Did you know that Clark's Creek is a thriving habitat, home to an abundance of wildlife including salmon and trout species? Not only did these Mountaineers enjoy a nice spring hike, but "walked away" now armed with the knowledge of The Puyallup Hatchery's rich history and ongoing wildlife work.
CHS 2 Hike - Lily & Lizard Lakes w. Side Trip to Oyster Dome, Apr 21
"This hike is entirely in the trees..." - Todd Cleland
Members of the Seattle Branch Conditioning Hike Series enjoyed a robust 10-mile hike through a thicket of trees and a view that was worth the "climb"!