
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Malachite Peak

Beautiful area with good camping around Rock Lake. Lots of traversing on stable boulders ending with a fun class 4 scramble to the summit with stunning views.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The long gravel road to the Evans Lake Trailhead has a few potholes, but is suitable for all vehicles.  NW Forest Parking Pass or equivalent required for parking.   No privy available.  Entrance to the trail is between Evans Lake and the end of the road where we parked.Screenshot_20240805_045158_Drive.jpg

I again led this as a leisurely trip (3 days) so my husband, Mark and another on the trip could fish in the evening and early morning. 

We left the TH on a hot Friday around 3:15pm.  The trail, similar to a fisherman's trail was steep from the start.  About 1400' gain in 1 mile.   The 2nd mile was downhill to our campsite at lovely, Rock Lake.   Our route the next day will have us climb about 200' from the lake and traverse north as we parallel the lake.53902394568_812e44d41b_o.jpg

Traversing above Rock Lake.53902546604_ee66cab9ae_o.jpg

Zooming down on our campsite on the bluff above Rock Lake.53902470913_440bb1c921_o.jpg

We've finished traversing for now and at the creek that runs between an un-named upper lake and Rock Lake.  We'll take a break here.53902568069_db8fe929e1_o.jpg53901311917_4acc85c297_o.jpgAlmost at the unnamed lake.53903771078_0befdb8ebd_o.jpg

The un-named lake.53901312987_ba9917d187_o.jpg

After yet another break, we continue north, climbing up to the left because it's difficult walking around the shoreline.  Looking back.53902656865_1b344a0992_o.jpgAbout half a mile from the un-named lake we climb to a notch where beautiful Panorama Lake and a host of peaks come into view.53902569474_81990e06f2_o.jpgFrom the notch we loose a little elevation and start traversing again while paralleling Panorama Lake below.53902657570_8af2b6f797_o.jpg

Traversing to the large saddle above.53902635242_a9312a908e_o.jpg

Almost at the large saddle.  Looking back from where we came.  Panorama Lake below.53903203095_a0e58c565a_o.jpg

From the saddle we get our first view of Malachite Peak.53903118349_327bb44505_o.jpgHeading down from the saddle.  Our route will be to the notch on the west side of the peak and then up a gully to the summit.53902646677_15e231baa8_o.jpg

Heading to the notch.  Choose your own path.  We went climbers left up the solid benches.53902475533_09f08e026b_o.jpg

Looking back.  Panorama Lake below.53902572479_aff67990f7_o.jpg

At the notch.  Purvis Lake below.53901316367_03abe09bcf_o.jpg

The exposed, but easy step around right before heading up the west gully.53902572589_78a1b3092f_o.jpg  Fun Class 4 scrambling to the summit.53903821048_5d534b6449_o.jpg

Looking down.53902572784_05a3f49d4b_o.jpgSummit success!53901316567_ae051b44d1_o.jpg53902660780_ed3ef6549c_o.jpgViews from near the summit.53902476413_d658810196_o.jpg20240803_124935_47.62368_-121.34116 (2).jpg

Looking north.  Purvis Lake on the left and Panorama Lake on the right.53902660960_d73f6bac83_o.jpg

The descent after a long lunch on the summit.  We set up a handline using an established anchor around a tree about  30' from the summit for those who want it.53903018925_f36bfa15d0_o.jpg

It's one at a time here.  53904025845_2648d18b0a_o.jpgOut of the Class 4 gully and our route back to the saddle above Panorama Lake.53904035705_f307560a5a_o.jpg

A last look at Rock Lake the morning of day 3 before getting back to the trailhead around 11:30am.53902581506_12bfc24c89_o.jpg

Fun and relaxing weekend with a great group.

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