Yoga for Mountaineers - One Mind Yoga, Issaquah


Yoga for Mountaineers - One Mind Yoga, Issaquah

Don't miss this targeted 2-hour workshop to explore the physical and mental benefits of yoga for hiking and trail running, with certified yoga instructor and Mountaineers hiker and trail runner Lori Heath!

  • Easy
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)

Meet at One Mind Yoga, 485 Front St N suite a1 & a2, Issaquah, WA 98027, at 7:30PM, in workout clothes or other comfortable clothing.   google map location

NOTE:  Backpacking Building Blocks students from the class of 2020 can save $10 on the registration for this course by going directly to this link and purchasing a ticket.

Why should hikers and trail runners practice yoga? Yoga is a great complement for hiking or trail running. While hiking and trail running tend to shorten and tighten muscles, yoga lengthens muscles and improves flexibility. Plus, yoga is also a great way to develop the core strength and balance essential for hiking or trail running. A consistent yoga practice can bring your body into better alignment, stretch tight muscles, and prevent overuse injuries.

During this 2-hour workshop with hiker, runner and certified yoga instructor Lori Heath, we’ll explore the physical and mental benefits of yoga for hiking and trail running. You’ll learn and practice exercises to:

1. Help you warm-up before a hike or run

2. Help your body recover after a long hike or run

3. Prevent and treat overuse injuries common in hiking trail running

4. Serve as a great strength and endurance cross-training workout.

5. Develop the mindfulness and awareness to take both your performance and training to the next level


Lori grew up in New Jersey and spent most of her adult life in Indianapolis. She moved to Issaquah in 2015 and absolutely loves life in the Pacific Northwest. Lori has been practicing yoga since 1999. Although she was initially attracted to yoga for the physical challenge, she soon came to appreciate the more mindful benefits of her yoga practice. Making a positive difference in people’s lives is important to Lori, so as her personal practice grew she wanted to bring yoga to other people. Lori earned her 200-hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Certificate at All People Yoga Center in Indianapolis in 2002 and studied Iyengar Yoga for several years with Jyoti Hansa. She began teaching vinyasa yoga at various yoga studios in Indianapolis in 2002 and appreciates any opportunity to share the joy of yoga with others.

Lori aspires to integrate the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of yoga in her classes through alignment, conscious breathing, and mindfulness. She begins each class with few moments of centering and focused breathing and ends each class with 5-10 minutes of deep relaxation. Throughout her classes, Lori links movement with breath and provides verbal cues to help students maintain some mindfulness of their body. She hopes you will come to her classes ready to learn and laugh and leave feeling more peaceful, joyful, and contented. Contact her today:


One Mind Yoga, Issaquah

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