Olympia Intermediate Alpine Climbing
The Olympia Intermediate Climbing Course provides lecture and field instruction designed to teach the techniques of safe climbing on rock, hard snow, ice, and mixed alpine terrain. Leadership and risk mitigation skills are major components of the course.
The Olympia Intermediate Climbing Course is offered in a module format that includes instruction on winter mountaineering including emergency shelter construction and avalanche safety and rescue; leading on rock including placing protection, building and equalizing anchors, swinging leads and self-rescue; hard snow and glacier travel including German and French technique; and vertical ice climbing including the placing of ice screws and swinging leads on 60+ degree ice.
Prerequisites include Basic Climbing Course graduate or FULL equivalency (this includes any ancillary course needed to finish equivalency), and successful completion of the Qualifier Field Trip.
Added requirements to graduate include holding or completing MOFA, WFA, or WFR at the time of graduation and completing an AIARE Level I Course by the time of graduation.