
Trip Report    

Basic Snowshoe - Commonwealth Basin

Snowshoeing in a winter wonderland. A good day at the pass.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • A few inches of fresh powder on a compact base of snow.  The creek crossing was easy, wide and flat. 

There was a winter storm alert, but really conditions weren't bad. Any car could have driven there today. Not as much snow fell as predicted.  There was a slight chance of thunderstorms after 2 PM. We agreed to be back to the cars by then and did. The sun was just starting to come out around 1 PM, maybe there was a thunderstorm later.

We got to the pass at 8 AM and had no problem parking. We had plenty of time to wander in the basin. We stopped at Commonwealth Falls, we headed up the old Cascade Crest trail and turned back  when we reached potential avalanche terrain. We then crossed the creek and wandered a bit before stopping fror lunch. We go what we wanted: some exercise in a beautiful snowy woods and good company.

IMG_8837Commonwealth Falls.jpg
A waterfall in a snowy forest.
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