Happy February Mountaineers! As the weather gets warmer and we shed the winter blues, we look to February as the month of change and the beginning of those summer feels!
Although the shortest month of the year, February was chock-full of exciting and inspiring trip reports. Read on for our top 10 trip picks from Mountaineers that made full use of the month's short but sweet 28 days!
Winter Scramble - Norse Peak, Feb 1
"We ascended the steep rim to the ridgetop, following frozen switchbacking ski tracks." -Shirley Rogers
Starting the month off right, this winter scramble was traversed by a party of eight. Notable features of the scramble include: several tree species (like the Alaska/yellow cedar), coyote tracks on the ridge, and ominous areas of standing, dead trees that were a consequence of the 2017 Norse Peak fire.
Basic Snowshoe - Lake Kachess & Box Canyon Creek, Feb 8
"Great day in the snowy woods." -Barbara Folmer
A good basic or perhaps even beginner snowshoe trip! These Mountaineers enjoyed better-than-forecasted weather and an overall great day playing in the snow. With just a light snowfall and some sun, the group was able to make good time to the Box Canyon Creek Swimming Hole.
Backcountry Ski/Snowboard -Cement and Lake Basin Ski Tour, Feb 11
"Bullion Basin trail was thoroughly overgrown with slide alder and small trees filling in the gaps between already tight trees." - Paul Brown
This trip boasts of a "bluebird" powder day in the backcountry. The conditions were stable and soft with just a bit of crust from the previous day's sunshine and some variability based on altitude and microterrain features.
Winter Scramble - First Top & Point 4795 Loop, Feb 14
"A sea of clouds with beautiful mountain views." -Dave Morgan
The Lake Dawn Trailhead for this winter scramble was snow-free with shallow snow at roughly 4,000 feet which required members to transition into wearing microspikes. Overall, it was a great 10 hour day in the mountains!
Winter Scramble - Guye Peak & Cave Ridge, Feb 18
"I have been asking the group at the end of our trip what could we have done better today?" -Dave Schultz
These Mountaineers enjoyed a "great winter trip" comprised of skinned climbing ski tracks that aided in their overall ascent and successful summit of Guy Peak and Cave Ridge!
Intermediate Alpine Climb - Huubba Hubba, Feb 18
"I see why it's called Hubba Hubba, because *Hubba Hubba,* WA ICE!!!" -Anthony Colosimo
"Hubba Hubba" is right! This intermediate alpine climb is largely an easy hike, but once you hit the open slopes the terrain becomes very firm and icy. Plan for the 1,200 foot ascent to the base of the flows to take roughly 80 minutes. The ascent is doable without crampons but is not recommended as members ascending solely with a hiking pole felt very unstable.
Climbing Conditioner - Mount Rose, Feb 20
"Great day out with some fun and challenging snow travel!" -Nancy Lloyd
Peeks of sun greeted these Mountaineers during their climbing conditioner on Mount Rose! However, it was not all sunshine and rainbows, as the group had opted not to bring snowshoes and were faced with a challenging final descent, occasionally sinking into knee-deep snow.
Day Hike - Twin Falls, Feb 21
"Close to home and just enough elevation gain to reach a good workout heart rate." -Roseanne Lorenzana
This hike has it all and surprisingly little mud on the trail for a winter outing. Not only was the hike "sans mud," but the location was nicely sheltered from SW winds by a ridge. Mountaineers enjoyed just enough elevation gain to reach a good workout heart rate and got a close-up view of a gorgeous river, dripping mosses, and dramatic waterfalls.
Cross-country Ski - Erling Stordahl, Feb 24
" A chilly (+18F) start on a sunny day for an advanced beginner trip on easy terrain!" -Mike Forsyth
This cross-country ski party of eight was a nice mix of recent Nordic ski course graduates, regulars, and those getting back into the sport after some time away! Together, the eight skiers enjoyed cruising through Forest Road 54, some of the Sled Dogs trails, the Iron Mountain Cut-Off, and the Cascades to Palouse trail, all of which were freshly groomed!
Urban Walk - Downtown Olympia & The Washington State Capitol, Feb 24
"Skies were blue and clear which allowed for temperatures so low that parts of the fountain froze!" -Becky Andrade
Colder than usual temperatures and unexpected road conditions caused this urban walk to veer off course! The initial plan was to hike in the Capitol State Forest, but nature had other plans and caused these Mountaineers to tour through the State Capitol instead.