Rich Passage


Sea Kayak - Rich Passage

Practice rescue/towing in an open-fetch. Leader-level readiness expected. Hopefully wind and waves will be strong - setting up challenging conditions. Kitsap Sea Kayak Leader Rodeo event participants, from the day before at the same venue, are especially encouraged to join this outing.

  • Sea Kayak IV
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 12.0 nm
  • Maximum Wind: 25 kts
  • Maximum Waves: 4 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 3 kts
  • Pace: 3

Launch from, and return to, Manchester State Park - on the Kitsap Peninsula.

9:15 am beach talk. Launch shortly after.

Preparation beforehand expected: 

1. Know exactly where Light List #16920 is, how to get there in various conditions, and its importance:

2. Review various towing strategies for various scenarios beforehand. Be prepared to share them: when/why/how...

3. Bring good spirit, humor  and lots of energy!


Previous Incident Management (tow/rescue) experience and Navigation skills expected.

This isn't a beginner outing. Although this activity is not marked "Leader's Permission", participant adjustment may occur.

1. From Manchester State Park, we will paddle to Decatur Reef just off Restoration Point on the SE of Bainbridge to analyze shipping traffic and communicate with VTS our intentions. (If necessary, we'll do a bio-break at shore's edge before going onward.) 

2. Assuming a safe, clear window free of container ships, we'll go ~1.07 nm, collectively deciding and adjusting our heading to a bearing target at 95 degrees (Magnetic), to a mid-shipping channel buoy marked "T" (Fl Y 2.5s), identified as Light List #16920 (located at 47 degrees 34' 33.367"N, 122 degrees, 27' 4.530"W) in the middle of the Puget Sound Traffic Separation Lane. See link above for buoy details. This brief sprint paddle to the relative safety of the lane-dividing buoy should take only about 20+ minutes.

3. We will then promptly move out of the Shipping Lane paddling SW toward the harbor of Blake Island until we find the safest, windiest fetch area out of any possible boat traffic - for practicing any rolls or rescues we optionally want to perform in open water.

4. Then, we'll set up various rotating TOW SCENARIOS all the way back to Manchester State Park... 

Hope you join!


Rich Passage

  • MapTech Puget Sound Chart No. 100

    Sea Trails Seattle, Bainbridge Island, Bremerton and Liberty Bay WA202

    NOAA Puget Sound: Seattle to Bremerton No. 18449
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

A tow rope and all the equipment you'd expect to bring as a Mtnrs' Sea Kayak Leader is expected, including but not limited to:

  • chart and compass
  • conditions and currents and tides easily accessible
  • AND charm, humor and a sense of exploratory fun.

Std req's follow...

These eight essentials plus The Ten Essentials are required on all sea kayaking trips.  All but the whistle and clothing should be provided with any kayak rental.

  1. Floatation in both ends of the kayak
  2. U.S. Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
  3. Paddle
  4. Spray skirt
  5. Bilge pump with floatation
  6. Self-rescue paddle float
  7. Waterproof whistle
  8. Appropriate clothing for the conditions encountered seasonally
Trip Reports