Getting outside during the colder months can be endlessly rewarding. Finding solace in natural areas, seeing familiar landscapes through new eyes, and shaking off the “I-can't-wait-for-winter-to-end" feeling are just a few of the perks.
Whether you have already jumped on the wintertime adventure bandwagon or you're still seeking the confidence and motivation needed to set out on a snowy trail, these trip reports from November offer ideas for how to best enjoy winter, both in the backcountry and close to home.
Regardless of November's inclement weather, Mountaineers across the branches bikepacked, hiked, scrambled, climbed, and kayaked their way through the month. We're highlighting five day hikes, two winter scrambles, an urban adventure, a bickpacking route, and an Olympia Jr. MAC climbing trip.
Click on the photos to read the full reports from our volunteers and members.
Bikepack - Olympic Discovery Trail: Olympic Adventure Route - 10/30 to 10/31

“A great last hurray to bikepacking before days get too short and cold in the PNW."
Looking for some bikepacking inspiration? Emma Agosta has you covered. We know this trip technically took place right before our November cut-off, but it's so good we had to include it in our round-up. This group made the most of Halloween weekend with a beautiful bikepacking trip in the Olympics. Read on to learn more about trail conditions and worthwhile side stops on the Olympic Adventure Trail.
Day Hike - Mount Washington (Snoqualmie) - 11/6

“Overall, a day of adventure with beautiful fresh snow and Mountaineer camaraderie!”
A little rain can’t stop these Mountaineers! Read Nancy’s trip report to hear about this group’s interesting day on a snowy hike.
Urban Hike - Capitol Hill to Queen Anne Hill Circuit - 11/13
“There are cool bits of history along the way, and great views. A nice option for an urban hike!”
Urban hikes are a great way to spend time outside in the winter while staying closer to home. This Queen Anne hill circuit maximizes city view opportunities with ascent and descent of Seattle's most significant hills, Capitol and Queen Anne. Your legs and glutes will be screaming!
Day Hike - Pinnacle Peak via Cal Magnusson Trail - 11/17
“Started the day exploring the lower Palisades Trail, then headed to Pinnacle Peak on the way home. The new tower recently completed is wonderful! It's not a fire lookout, but appears to simply be for hikers' pleasure with nice views and a great spot to hang around a while. The walls of horizontal columnar basalt near the summit are fascinating!”
The new tower in Enumclaw is here! Who wouldn’t want to walk up another 45 steps after hiking a mountain? Well, the trek is worth it. From the deck, visitors are promised stunning views of Mount Rainier and the Port of Tacoma, along with sweeping views of the valley and foothills. Learn more in this trip report.
Day Hike - Big Creek Loop - 11/17
“We enjoyed all the recent trail work thanks to the Mount Rose Trail Crew - bridges, reinforced edging of the trail, and drainage work were all noted and appreciated.”
We would like to extend a big thank you to the trail crews and volunteers who dedicate their their time, energy, and hard work to conserve our public lands! The author of this report, Becky, also reminds us about the nearly-constant rain and wind that has caused flooding and trail damage across Washington last month, including in Whatcom County and the Olympic National Forest. We hope that everyone has kept dry and safe during these recent heavy rains. Here are some resources available to those who have been affected by the recent flooding, as well as resources for those who want to help with the after effects of the flooding.
Day Hike - Echo Lake via Maggie Creek - 11/21
“Maggie Creek trail itself is just lovely, quiet and scenic in the snow and trees. There are plenty of stream crossings, all passable. The final stream crossing before the Echo Lake junction I would have gotten my feet wet or had to cross some very iffy logs. Being past my turn around time and having many miles through snow and back uphill to my vehicle, I turned around at this final stream, not making my goal of the trail junction.”
Heads up that Maggie Creek Trail is entirely covered in snow. There are also several stream crossings, most of which are passable with bridges or logs, except the steam nearest to the Echo Lake junction. More details are outlined in this trip report.
Winter Scramble - Silver Peak - 11/21
“The snow was a little slippery, so most scramblers used their microspikes. We had clear views of Rainier and all the other surrounding peaks. We descended down to the base of Silver Peak. Unfortunately because of our sauntering pace (due to the snow, not the scramblers' efforts), we decided that there would not be enough time to attempt Abiel, so we headed down the way we came up.”
Gotta love great weather and even better company! With snow and ice on the road, these Mountaineers made sound risk-management decisions to keep everyone safe. In this report, Paul Kallmann walks us through their thought process during the day.
Winter Scramble - West Tiger Mountain - 11/22
“Surprisingly accommodating from an enjoyment perspective (no rain, gentle winds, cool temps, and no snow or ice). Nastier weather (and/or ice/snow) would have added to the ‘Winter Scramble Review’ realism, but probably would have made a long day even longer.”
If there were a superlative award for “Most Informative Trip Report,” I would give it to this one. Without a doubt. From navigation and compass/smartphone accuracy exercises to a technique for avoiding hypothermia in wet/cold conditions, this write up has it all - nice work, Dave Morgan!
Day Hike - Mount Si Old Trail - 11/26
“All sections of trail were in good shape, no down trees to step over. Small patches of mushy snow at the pinnacle, no spikes needed. A cold wind hit us above 3,000' but we found protected lunch areas around the pinnacle base.”
Mount Si is a favorite trail for many of us. But have you given it a go during the colder months? This trip report will give you some ideas for what to expect!
Rock Climb - Vantage (Frenchman Coulee) - 11/29
“Looking down scared most of us, yet from the top of our route you get to relax and look at the view.”
Three Olympia Junior MAC kids had a great time climbing Sunshine Wall at Vantage. Check out this trip report written by one of the club members about her experience on the route.
We love reading your trip reports! You can find recommendations for how to write a solid report here.