
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Mount Si Old Trail

Surprisingly nice day on Si despite the rainy forecast.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • We did a modified lollipop loop - clockwise up the Boulder Garden Trail to the Old Mt. Si Trail; partly down the Old and stepped over to the New (regular) Trail at 3,240'.  Took the New Trail down to the Douglas Fir Trail at 1,640' to connect with the other side of the Boulder Garden Trail back to the cars.

Light drizzle in the parking lot both in the morning and upon our  return. But very little rain most of the way up.  We got wet mainly from tree drips. The sun actually peeked out a couple of times! All sections of trail were in good shape, no down trees to step over. Small patches of mushy snow at the pinnacle, no spikes needed. A cold wind hit us above 3,000' but we found protected lunch areas around the pinnacle base. Nice close-up views of clouds. As usual, a lot more hikers were on the regular trail than on the Old Trail. 5 hours/22 minutes round trip, including brief stops and lunch break. All things considered, a good day out!

I tried to capture the sunlight here:





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