Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Skagit & Hope Islands

Had a great 8.3 nautical mile EMSK student paddle around Skagit and Hope Islands in the Deception Pass area today.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Nice to see the improved beach access for sea kayakers at Cornet Bay!E88A203D-6DFD-497C-A157-8E563A711FDE.jpeg

Had a great 8.3 nautical mile EMSK student paddle around Skagit and Hope Islands in the Deception Pass area today.

Thanks to the national Marine Weather forecast and the Windy app, we took advantage of a day-sized hole in the blustery weather of late.

Although it drizzled most of the day, winds and waters were calm for the most part.

At one point, at the south side of Hope, the south winds kicked up to 8kts or so and waves began to build over the long fetch of Skagit Bay.

As the waves south of Hope built to around a foot, we decided to alter our course and backtracked around the east end of island then west across its north shore toward the base of Hoypus Point. It made for a good example of how to take advantage of wind shadow.

Lining up some houses for a range, we easily managed a nice straight westerly course while ferrying across from Hope to the shore just north of Ala Spit.

With calm water ahead and mild winds to our backs, the trip back around Hoypus Point was a walk in the park.

Returned to the Cornet Bay boat launch 13 minutes earlier then originally estimated.C785F923-0153-4036-BE0D-1F39A6EB10CB.jpeg

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