Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills 10th Edition


In Gratitude

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Madeline T. N.


Doug & Rachel McCall
In memory of Tab Wilkins


In memory of A. L. “Loo” Crittenden, former Climbing Committee chairman and contributor to first edition, 1960
David Einert, in memory of Louie A. Einert
Don & Marci Heck
Ed Lucas
Leigh Noble
Bruce & Jill Sanchez
Anne Smart & Frank McCord
Cody Smith & Virginia Brown
Tom Vogl & Katie Koepke


Anita Arbini Wilkins
James T. Burke
Kathryn Celia Roddy Capps
Bill Chaput
The Crichton Family
David & Brita Enfield
Lee Fromson & Twala Coggins
Tiffany Gilbert & Kendrick Efta
Jeffrey Hancock & Virginia Felton
In loving memory of Ian Harford
Edward Henderson, Board of Trustees President 2000–2002
Dan Irwin
Craig Kartes
TJ, Tanya & Eli King
Lauren Kisser
Hazel & Madelyn Koethe
Yu-Hang Kuo
In honor of Sumiko and Yuichi Kuraishi
Robert & Marion McIntosh
Ericka Mitterndorfer & Justin Bland
David Paul Orsmond
Joyce Reynolds
Chris & Kathy Robertson
The Climbing Smiths: George, Flint, Quade, Cody & Tyle
Lowell Skoog & Nancy Mattheiss
Tim Tan
In loving memory of Don C. Taylor
Brianne Vanderlinden, in honor of Jack Vanderlinden
Jon & Vera Wellner
Robert & Ashley White
Alexander Whitlow
LaVerne Woods


Nicole & Sam Bulow
John M. Cary
Helen Cherullo, in memory of Tom Hornbein, Everest: The West Ridge
Tim Coulter
Billy and Courtney Cundiff
Dallas Damianick
Kai Davey
Donna DeShazo
Douglas Diekema
Ted Doughty
Carolyn Driedger-Mastin
Debbie Due
Dave Foong & Laura Handley
The Freeburgs
Christian P. Fuchs
Mark Gnadt
Don & Natala Goodman
Danielle Graham & Andrew Pedersen
Calvin Hall
Hannah Ann Hergert
Dan Hicks
Deborah K. Hiney
Art Hogling
Homestretch Foundation
Raymond Huey
Garth Jacobson
Jean Johnson
Michael T. Kovacs
Ken Lans
Geoff Lawrence
Ryan Mansfield
Michael McCracken
Roger Mellem & Gisela Stehr
Brittney Moraski
Harry Morgan
Lloyd Murray
Joanne Najdzin
The Nelson Family, in honor of Jack Stansfield
Peter F. O’Connor
John Ohlson
Steven Payne, in memory of Karen Sykes
Dena (Dee Dee) Peel
Amanda PiroDaniel Poor
Hany & Adam Ramadan
Stephen A. Reynes
David Roche
Henry F. Romer
Curt W. Rosler, Olympia Branch
Ben D. Schafer
Samuel Shadwell
Scott Shafer
The Shand Family
Terence Stanuch
Alan Stewart
Will Tooker
Elizabeth Watson
James Pierce Whinston
Dean Wingfield