With cobalt-blue skies, post-bedtime sunsets, and Rainier finally making a regular appearance on the horizon, it feels like summer is finally here. As the weather starts to heat up and we attempt to cool off (however unsuccessfully) with summer swims and smoothies, let’s refresh ourselves with the brisker memories of June’s adventures.
This June was a surprisingly wet one, with record-breaking levels of rain and weather conditions that proved to be a bit of a challenge during some Mountaineers activities. But that didn’t stop our members from having a blast playing in the outdoors!
This month, enjoy a sea kayaking reverse-rescue, a flower-filled backpacking trip, plenty of happy glissaders, and more!
Climbing - Mount Rainier/Emmons Glacier - 6/30 to 7/3
"For summit day, departed Emmons Flats at 2345. Summit at 0845. 7 of 9 summited. One turned around at 11,000' with one escort back to camp. Snow was nice and firm during the night's climb and route-finding was straight forward with several well-placed wands helping to guide the climb. Aurora Borealis a huge bonus an hour or so before sunrise!"
These climbers encountered just about every weather phenomenon in the books, including thunder, lightning, snow, rain, and a spectacular aurora borealis light show. They note that the glissade down Inter Glacier was the highlight of the trip, but their post-adventure nachos sound like a close runner up!
Sea kayak - Chuckanut Bay - 6/26
"As we neared our launch point, Wildcat Cove, we noticed a capsized sailboat about a quarter mile offshore. Minutes before, we had seen them sailing briskly in the 10kt wind. Now, the boat is laying on its side. I predict that we'll soon see the mast come back up and the boat sail away. A couple minutes later the boat is still on its side. We discuss and agree we ought to investigate. We are mere kayaks, but our kayaks are quite sea worthy and we have skills."
One would hope it’s not often that you have to engage in an actual rescue mission during a self-rescue practice trip. After being approached a number of times by boaters worried about their safety, these kayakers ended up assisting in the “reverse recovery” of a capsized sailboat during their return paddle. Thanks to their preparedness, they were able to put risk-assessment skills in action and help out fellow nautical travelers.
Scrambling - Ruby Mountain - 6/2
"Soon we were on the summit ridge, and it was an easy ridge-walk to the summit, where we basked in sunshine and gorgeous 360 degree North Cascade views. We got to the summit at 9 am, making 4h15' from car to summit. After 45 minutes of summit revelry, we descended our ascent route with lots of fun plunge-stepping and glissading, and were back at the cars by 12:30, with plenty of time to get back to Seattle for crevasse rescue evaluations. What a fantastic start to June with new friends made in our basic climbing SIG!"
These happy scramblers lucked out on some refreshing blue skies and sunshine. The great views and great company made for a more-than-great trip!
Backcountry skiing - Yakima and Naches Peak - 6/13
"Snow coverage is excellent, and moderate temperatures and cloudy skies kept the soft snow skinning and skiing well into the afternoon. There were sun cups, runnels, and some residual wet-loose debris, all of which was soft and didn't present an obstacle for skiing."
There was no gloom this June for snow fanatics! In this fun trip report, these backcountry skiers took full advantage of the snowy spring weather.
Basic Glacier Climb - Mount Shuksan/Sulphide Glacier - 6/24 to 6/25
"We had all climbers on the summit by 8:30 am. It should be noted that we were the only group to attain the summit that day. Multiple groups started up the summit pyramid but turned around prior to the start of the gulley. Our level of preparation set us apart from the rest."
Nothing could stand in the way of these climbers. This trip report offers some stellar pictures of surrounding landscapes and dreamy skies. Bravo on being the only group to reach the summit!
Alpine Scramble - Mount Adams/South Spur - 6/18 to 6/19
"This trip was full of amazing people. I really appreciate each of them for their willingness to turn around when I made the call, and keep really positive attitudes the entire time, whether they were struggling, or cold, or going at a slower pace than they would have preferred. Everyone worked together to make this trip a success in that we all had fun, learned something, and got home safely."
What’s more important than reaching the summit? Having a great time. It’s never an easy decision to pack up camp and head back home earlier than expected, but turning around didn’t put a damper on these scramblers' parade. It sounds like these folks were masters of making the most of their experiences. We’re glad you all got home safely!
Basic Glacier Climb - Mount Baker/Easton Glacier - 6/25 to 6/26
"We got to the crater at around 6:15 am... it was windy and cold as the sun hadn't yet broken the ridge. The Roman Wall was a mess of climbers, most ascending but a few teams already descending. Hit the summit at 8:15 am, and ALL our climbers made it up there! Hung out and enjoyed for awhile, lounging in the sun and eating lunch at 9 am."
The mountains are home to people from all walks of life: experienced skiers, new alpine climbers… and even dogs abandoned by their fast-moving skiing guardians. This trip report is full of helpful summit notes, smiling faces, and quirky encounters. Congratulations on the completed summit, everyone!
Alpine Scramble - Boundary Peak - 6/18
“As we waited the weather cleared just enough for us to get a short glimpse of the snow that we would have to go across, which immediately confirmed my suspicions. Yes, it was a large cornice. Furthermore, upon examining the snow just off the rock on the ridge line, we had what appeared to be evidence that the cornice was starting to break off. There was a large crack just below us running directly towards the cornice lining up perfectly with the rock and moat. At this point we had a discussion and decided that Boundary would still be there for next time and now would be a great time to turn around.”
This trip report offers extensive detail on the decision-making process involved in determining whether to turn around during an alpine scramble with unfavorable weather. You folks are right, Boundary Peak will still be there next time and ready to offer you an awesome summit experience under better weather conditions!
Backpacking - Royal Creek - 6/25 to 6/26
"There was still a bit of snow on the trail heading up to the lake but it was melting out fast due to the hot weather, so no need for microspikes. The view at the lake is stunning… Despite having a long day hike due to last-minute changes, the trip was a total success!"
Things don’t always go according to plan, but you can still have a memorable time enjoying the unpredictability and beauty of the outdoors. After a slight change in trail and camping location, these backpackers enjoyed a nice trip with beautiful views and blossoming wildflowers. A note for future backpackers to keep in mind: heavy snow melt this spring is resulting in some pretty muddy trails. Be prepared to get a little dirty!
Alpine Scramble - Gilbert Peak/Klickton Divide - 6/25 to 6/26
"Summit at 8:15. We carefully downclimbed from the summit and got back to solid ground at 9:15 am after a good break at the summit. During the descent - we milked at least 400-500 feet of glissading right before and right after camp. We reached camp at 10:30 am, packed and left camp at 11:15 am."
This seamless scrambling trip was full of pleasant surprises. Wildflowers peppered the trail, waterfalls were flowing in full force, and the campsites offered unexpected pockets of snow-free terrain. Check out the awesome views and helpful navigation tips in this detailed trip report.