
Trip Report    

Top Rope Rock Climb - Exit 38/Far Side Crags

Great, short evening of single pitch cragging. Rocks were dry and we had the whole crag to ourselves! A stick clip would have been helpful in quite a few cases.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Parking lot was mostly empty, all other cars belonged to members of a trail crew that's doing some restoration work near The Gritscone. Some muddy wet spots on Dirty Harrys Peak Trail. Climbing access loop trail is in decent condition, but there's one spot after the turn off to Gun Show that's getting pretty crumbly and a fall would be consequential. That said, it's easy to step over. The rock was dry and there were some big mosquitos out!

    The main reason for sharing this trip report is that our group agreed that a stick clip would be been very helpful on the first few routes at Headlight Point (Swerve, Midnight Scrambler/Ruby's Ridge, In The Middle Again, and Light-Headed Again). The first bolts for these routes are up decently high and the starting moves to these routes are all blocky, which would make a fall somewhat consequential, even with spotting. For Swerve in particular, we had two spotters in addition to the belayer, just to be safe.