Gear Grab Holiday Sale
- Mon, Dec 12, 2022 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- Seattle Program Center
- The Mountaineers
- iCal
$0.00 |
Have a gear wishlist a mile long, or have some extra gear you'd like to unload? Stop by our open house December 12 from 6-8pm to find great gear at bargain prices.
RSVP now (using the link on the right) to secure your spot!
The Gear Grab is open to anyone who would like to buy or sell gently used outdoor gear. Mountaineers and members of our active community come to sell all sorts of stuff. You may not find exactly what you need, but you may go home with something you didn't know you'd need, and you'll definitely find a treasure-trove of cool, old outdoor gear.
Cash or Venmo are preferred for payments. There is not an ATM onsite.
Email Garrett Arnold at if you'd like to be a seller.
- Only outdoor recreation items are allowed to be sold.
- All sales are buyer beware.
- Cash or Venmo are preferred for payments. There is not an ATM onsite.
- We encourage 10% of proceeds from gear sales to be donated to The Mountaineers after the event.
Covid-19 Public Health Policy
Although a mask mandate is not currently in effect, masks are recommended in all indoor public spaces. At this time, COVID-19 vaccinations are not required to attend. To help keep others safe and healthy, guests are encouraged to take a COVID-19 rapid test prior to attending.