Developing Critical Decision-Making Skills


Developing Critical Decision-Making Skills - Online Classroom

Online webinar on decision-making with Katja Hurt. A Leadership Development Series presentation.

  • Casual

6:00-7:45pm PST via Zoom Meeting
Meeting link will be sent to registered attendees the day of the session.

Trip leaders often make decisions in the field, sometimes in critical situations. In this session, we will explore some of the common decisions leaders must make such as turning back or continuing on, managing disputes, and responding to a crisis. Topics will include a review of decision-making models, tips for handling interpersonal conflict, and an introduction to de-escalation strategies. This will be an interactive session with opportunities for group discussion, breakout sessions, and several scenarios.


Katjarina “Katja” Hurt (she/her/hers) is the Founder and Director of the non-profit organization, Wilderness Chaplains. She has over 16 years experience as a ski patroller, primarily at Snoqualmie Pass, with a focus on Psychological First Aid and Outdoor Emergency Care instruction. She is a master-level trainer and is certified to teach by the Question-Persuade-Refer Institute and the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. Katja has a background in law enforcement with Washington State and Missouri Departments of Correction. She currently serves as a volunteer chaplain with the King County Sherriff’s Office in Washington State and regularly assists local SAR and Mountain Rescue teams in the Puget Sound region.

lead image by will hill


Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Computer or device (preferably with a speaker and camera), as well as high-speed internet.

Trip Reports