Mount Roosevelt & Kaleetan Peak


Alpine Scramble - Kaleetan Peak/South Ridge

This is a scramble of the south ridge of Kaleetan via Denny Creek Trail and Melakwa Lake.

  • Strenuous 4, Technical 4
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 5,000 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 6,259 ft
  • Pace: ~1000' vertical per hour including all breaks and gear adjustments

Preston P&R @ 7 AM

This trip is about 12 miles with 5000' of elevation gain and loss.

Fitness - are you ready? Participants should be comfortable hiking Cable Line trail to the  top of West Tiger 3   carrying all their scramble gear in less than  1.5 hours OR hiking to the base of the Mt Si Haystack carrying all their scramble gear in less than 2.5 hours. 

Required gear: mountaineering boots, ice axe, helmet, crampons, poles (for the creek crossing) 10 essentials, protected downclimb setup, shoes/sandals (for the creek crossing)

See recent Mountie TR of Bryant Peak for photo of the logs used to cross the creek:

Party size is 6 max. We will take short breaks (~10 min/ hour) on the way to the summit. Assuming the weather is good, we'll take a longer break on the summit.


Mount Roosevelt & Kaleetan Peak

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports