Alpine Scramble - Mailbox & Dirtybox Peaks


Alpine Scramble - Mailbox & Dirtybox Peaks

This is an one way traverse from Mailbox to Dirtybox to Dirty Harry's Peak or vice versa requiring a shuttle. It is for very experienced and confident scramblers only. Please read leader's notes.

  • Very Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 8.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,000 ft

Please research this route before requesting permission to sign up.  Permission requests will only be accepted when registration opens.  One exception:  if I have already told you you're welcome to come, I will sign you up early. 

I have not decided which direction we will go.  If there a lot of people on the waitlist, I may try to set up a key exchange where 1 group will start from the Mailbox TH (4400' gain) and 1 group from the Dirty Harry TH (4100' gain).  The section between Dirty Harry' Peak and Dirty Box is the more difficult and exposed portion.  There is supposedly an existing rope near  Dirty Harry's Peak that will be needed.  I suspect there will be T-4 or low T-5 with exposure in this area.  I've done the Dirtybox to Mailbox portion and it's mostly T-2 with a couple T-3 moves.

The pace will be on the slower side and will go only with good weather.  


Discover Pass Required for Parking at both trailheads.


Mailbox Peak

  • Green Trails Mount Si NRCA No. 206S

    Green Trails Middle Fork Snoqualmie No. 174SX

    Green Trails Bandera No. 206
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports