Placeholder Routes & Places


Alpine Scramble - Not Hinkhouse (Point 6878)

A straightforward scramble of a seldom climbed peak in Teanaway.

  • Fri, Sep 16, 2016
  • Seattle Alpine Scrambling
  • Scrambling
  • Adults, Singles, Retired Rovers, 20-30 Somethings
  • Strenuous 3, Technical 4
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 8.9 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,400 ft


This peak is located on the ridge between Longs and Ingalls passes.  We will do a clockwise traverse, heading first to Longs Pass, scramble the peak, then head towards Ingalls Pass.  From there we have the option of just heading back to the cars, heading down to Ingalls Lake, or continuing on to Fortune Peak.  There will be outstanding views of Mt Stuart and the rest of the Teanaway.


Not Hinkhouse (Point 6878)

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports