Mount Fremont Lookout, Berkeley Park & Skyscraper Mountain


Backpack - Mount Fremont Lookout, Berkeley Park & Skyscraper Mountain

This 19 mile backpack takes us high and includes some of the best Mt Rainier National Park has to offer. From Sunrise Visitor’s Center we will pass Frozen Lake, enjoy panoramic views at Fremont Lookout, camp in flower bedecked Berkeley Park, climb Burroughs Mountain, rest in a shaded camp by a gurgling stream at Glacier Basin and say farewell to the Emmons Glacier on our hike out to White River.

  • Moderate
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 19.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,500 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 7,828 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 - 2

We will meet and pick up permits at the White River Wilderness Center when it opens (time TBD), then caravan 13 miles to the White River campground where we leave a car and consolidate into remaining vehicles for the 20 minute drive to Sunrise Visitors Center. Our 19 mile trek begins at Sunrise Visitor's Center.

We’ll keep a 1.5-2 mph pace with loaded packs and substantial elevation gain. Our maximum altitude brushes 8K and, on day 2, we gain 3K feet. So, despite relatively low mileage, this is not a trip for beginners.

There will be ample time to enjoy the views, take photos and wander further after setting up camp each day. On a similar trip last year we spotted 2 bear, mountain goat and marmot so fingers crossed for wildlife!

Day 1 From the Sunrise Visitors Center we’ll pass by Frozen Lake and head toward Fremont Lookout where we’ll have lunch and enjoy panoramic views. Then it’s down to beautiful Berkeley Park where we’ll find wildflowers, a lovely creek and our group camp for the night. Approx 6 ½ miles 1069 gain and 1865 loss.

Day 2 takes us to Burroughs Mountain where we’ll listen to the mountain groan, peer over the edge to count crevasses in the Winthrop Glacier, and look for tiny climbers making their way to the summit. Then it’s down to Glacier Basin enjoying new valley and glacier views. Approx 8 miles 3139 gain 2757 loss.

Day 3 is an easy one with a side trip to view the Emmons Glacier and hike out to White River campground. Here drivers will shuttle back to Sunrise while others relax and await their ride home. 4 ½ miles 267 gain 1921 loss.

Group campsites have been reserved and have a privy and bear line or box. Bear canisters are not required but you will need to hang or store all food and fragrant items so a sturdy bag with line and liner or drybag with loop is recommended. Both camps have easily accessible water. Late August is typically mild sunny weather but mountain weather is unpredictable and highs go above 80 while overnight lows in the 40’s are common.

Carpools and gear sharing are encouraged. Drivers will need a National Park Permit and license plate numbers noted on our backcountry permits.

GPS tracks, map and additional information will be provided to participants. $5 for permits.

Leader permission is required as is recent experience with comparable distance and gain. Please reference specific multiday trips and hikes if not in your Mountaineers activity history.

Special note - the leader will be in the backcountry May 6-13 and unable to respond to requests or questions during that period. Registration will open 4p May 15.


Mount Fremont Lookout, Berkeley Park & Skyscraper Mountain

  • Green Trails Mount Rainier Wonderland No. 269SX

    Green Trails Mt Rainier East No. 270

    Trails Illustrated Mount Rainier National Park
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Tent with footprint/ground tarp
  • Stove and fuel
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Water filter
  • Bear canister or extra stuff sack and cord designated for hanging food
  • Cooking pot/pan with plate and utensils
  • Toilet paper and shovel or blue bag to deal with waste
Trip Reports