The Tooth/South Face


Basic Rock Climb - The Tooth/South Face

A one-day Basic Rock climb for students of the Seattle "Following Alpine Rock" course.

  • Sun, Jun 2, 2024
  • Seattle Climbing
  • Climbing
  • Basic Alpine
  • Adults
  • Basic Rock Climb, Strenuous 2, Technical 3
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,500 ft

Canceled due to weather forecast. 

Kelly Ryan will be in charge as the Mentored Leader, with Rob Busack along to co-lead.

This climb is primarily for students of the Seattle 2024 "Following to Alpine Rock" course.  The first-dibs has already been given, and others are now welcome too.

  • If you're a student in our course, you've already got permission to sign up here.
  • If you're a student or grad from some other Basic course, you're welcome to email me for leader-permission.  When you do, please give me a sense of your fitness by mentioning 2 or 3 specific trips you've done in the past year (for example, "Recently did X hiking trail, which has Y amount of elevation gain, in Z amount of hours & minutes up.") And tell me about at least one time you've carried an ice axe & crampons for snow travel.  On this climb, the approach will be on snow, pack-weight will be in the ballpark of 35lbs, and we'll move at a brisk pace gaining 1000' per hour.
  • If you have some experience leading easy trad and you'd like to be a rope lead, by all means send me a leader-permission request too.  In addition to the fitness note above, please also add a brief note that gives me a sense of what your trad-leading experience is so far.  (New-ish trad leaders are definitely welcome, this route is pretty easy, I just like to know.)

The Tooth/South Face

  • Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass Gateway No. 207S

    Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass No. 207

    USGS Snoqualmie Pass
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Gear list:

When the date gets closer, we'll see what the status of the snow up there is.  For now though, assume ice axe & crampons are required. (aluminum crampons welcome)

Trip Reports