Cross-country Ski - Stevens Pass Nordic Center


Cross-country Ski - Stevens Pass Nordic Center

Explore many of the wonderful trails from the Stevens Pass Nordic Center. Up to 10 miles and 800ft gain on blue and green undulating trails. A trail pass will be needed: $25 for adults and $15 over 70.

  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 10.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 860 ft


Snow and grooming permitting, we will ski approximately 9.5 miles over 4.5 to 5 hours ascending just over 800 ft. at a moderate average moving pace of about 3 mph.

From the Cascade Depot trailhead at 3,000ft. I like to take the undulating blue Sidetrack Trail up to the Guthrie Loop and then on to the base of the Southern Cross chairlift at the top of the Nordic system at 2,800ft. by the green Mainline and blue Caboose Trails. On the way back most of our route will follow the green Mainline, but we may detour via the blue Guthrie Heights Trail. All the trails we take will be blue or green and no black diamond trails. It is expected that most of the trails we will ski will have been recently groomed.


This trip is not suitable for first time Nordic skiers - even those with Alpine experience or those Nordic skiers who find blue hills difficult to negotiate and who prefer to ski quite slowly for a shorter distance.

To participate on this trip you need to be able to balance on skis, kick and glide at a moderate pace, snowplow, brake and know how to use herringbone to ski up and a strong wedge to go down a hill including negotiating turns. You will also need a good level of fitness and stamina to be able to complete the 9.5 miles, 800 ft gain tour over 5 hours (with breaks) at a moderate (3pmh) average moving speed.

If you are uncertain if you are prepared for this level of travel please contact the leader to discuss.


Nordic Classic no-wax skis are recommended with or without metal  edges. To fit into the tracks your skis should be no wider than 70mm. It is also possible to skate ski if you are a strong skater, you can manage the distance and elevation gain and you don’t mind waiting at intervals for the classic skiers to catch up. Please consult the leader if you wish to skate or use other types of ski.

If it has been a while since you’ve used your skis or you have a new set of equipment, please take a few moments before the date of the trip to make sure that all of your gear is at hand and in working order. You will need to bring a backpack on the trip that contains the 10 essentials except for a map that can be obtained at the Cascade Depot.


We will all need a Nordic Trails Day Pass available from the Cascade Depot by the parking lot. The cost is $25 including sales tax or $15 for seniors 70 and above. No Snopark Pass is required. Free parking is provided at Nordic Center.


This ski trip will follow the WA State Phased Approach to Reopening Business and Modifying Physical Distancing and the Mountaineers hiking guidelines for COVID-19 that apply on the date of this trip

All participants and leaders must agree to the COVID-19 Code of Conduct before attending an in-person Mountaineers activity during our COVID-19 response. By proceeding with any of the upcoming activities you are already registered to attend, you affirm that you have reviewed The Mountaineers COVID-19 Code of Conduct and the guidance for participants and leaders available on the COVID-19 Response page, and you agree to follow this guidance during each activity. Please remove yourself from any upcoming activity if you are unable or unwilling to follow The Mountaineers guidance at the time of the program.

CARPOOLING: Also, to help ensure your safety and the safety of our fellow skiers, the leader asks that you only carpool to the trailhead with other members of your household registered for the same trip.  

PROTOCOL: All participants will need to have a face covering (mask, bandanna or muff), hand sanitizer and a backpack containing the 10 essentials. Wherever possible all group member will maintain the 6ft minimum social distancing protocol and be ready to pull up face covering over mouth and nose when this is not possible passing others on the trail and at the trailhead.


Full trip information will be emailed out to those who sign up as soon as registration closes on March 25 at 5pm.  In the interim, please email any questions to the trip leader Chris Ensor

Meet at 9:00am at Stevens Pass Nordic Center, SR 2, 88 miles from Seattle, 6 miles further east from the Alpine ski resort. Full travel and location details will be emailed to participants soon after registration closes at 5pm on March 25

Required Equipment
Trip Reports

Stevens Pass Nordic Center

  • Green Trails Benchmark Mtn No. 144

    USGS Stevens Pass

    USGS Labyrinth Mtn

    Green Trails Stevens Pass No. 176

    Green Trails Alpine Lakes West (Stevens Pass) No. 176S
  • See full route/place details.
Missing Mapbox GL JS CSS
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports