Day Hike - West Tiger Mountain No. 3 Cable Line


Day Hike - West Tiger Mountain No. 3 Cable Line

Up Cable Line, Down West Tiger #3, Early morning conditioning hike.

  • Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • High Point Elevation: 2,522 ft
  • Pace: 2 mph av., 1200 ft/hr up

Meet 7 am at trail head, on the road off exit #20 BEFORE the gate, approx 1/3 mile from where you turn on to road heading west for Tradition Lake.  Look for small sign for "Cable Line Trail" on S side of the road, ROUGHLY 1/3 before the gate on the west and 2/3 from where you come off I-90. (No Discovery Pass nec.).

Cable line is straight up and often steep. We're not going to set any speed record but please be in reasonably good shape and ready and able to head 2000' feet up at a steady pace. Expect to average 2.0 mph up and down.
The Cable Line trail is also narrow in places -- last time I hiked it 6 weeks ago I encountered unmasked hikers descending, who didn't give me the right of way even though I was the one hiking up, and also not trying to distance themselves at all. Hopefully hikers are more aware now, but no guarantees.
Descending via West Tiger #3, we'll mostly have wider trails and more switchbacks so less steep terrain.

If you wish to improve the conditioning aspects for you, consider bringing extra containers of water, so you can dump them on the way up if the weight proves to be too much, or at the top to preserve your knees for the descent.
Usual COVID-19 precautions: social distancing, mask or other face covering handy to slip on as needed, hand sanitizer. Please read over Mountaineers guidelines here and here. (One was updated 6/30 so please read again BEFORE SIGNING UP. One is long but you can use the headings to skip to the relevant info. )
Note as of Thur. 7/2, NOAA is showing some chance of rain for Tue. Please be prepared for that.


West Tiger Mountain No. 3 Cable Line

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The 12 Essentials + Face mask, hand sanitizer

  1. Face mask
  2. Hand sanitizer
  3. Navigation
  4. Sun protection
  5. Insulation (extra clothing)
  6. Illumination
  7. First aid supplies
  8. Fire
  9. Repair kit and tools, including knife
  10. Nutrition (extra food)
  11. Hydration (extra water)
  12. Emergency shelter
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