Frontcountry Trail Run - Phantom Lake Loop


Frontcountry Trail Run - Phantom Lake Loop

April Fool's evening loop through Weowna Park and around Phantom Lake. 6 1/2 miles - 1,200 ft elevation gain - 4.5-5 mph. *Note there may be 2-3 leashed dogs accompanying the group - feel free to bring yours if you have one!*

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.3 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,205 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 402 ft
  • Pace: 4.5

Meet at 5:45 pm at Weowna Park trailhead. *Beware easy to miss.* Parking available on street for approx 6 cars. No passes required. Following introductions incl of accompanying dogs, description of route and current trail conditions, plan to start running at 5:50 pm. While there are no bathrooms at the trailhead, there apparently as some by the entrance to Phanton Lake about 1/2 way through the run.

Directions: Take I-90, Exit 13, to W. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE and head north. At the roundabouts, continue on north. About 3 miles from the I-90 overpass over W. Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, be alert for a wide shoulder along the left (west) side of the street with room for about six cars to park single file. A signboard visible from the road identifies the trailhead for Weowna Park. The parking area, such as it is, comes up quickly. I will be driving a green MiniCooper and will get there early to assess parking.

Wenowna Park offers many large deicuous trees and in particular conifers, apparently genuine old-growth as there is no sign of large stumps seen in other areas that have been logged.

While this is not a wildflower run, we may be able to see a few blooms of salmonberry, thimbleberry, creeping raspberry, salal and avens, and a few others. Please do not expect me to know one wildflower from the next!

The park trails are well constructed and have been barked for a soft footing. In steeper sections the route follows carefully built wooden staircases. We will be exiting the park to mostly circumnavigate Phantom Lake counterclockwise, as well as take a small detour through the Lake Hills Greenbelt to get in some extra distance. We will the continue back to Weowna Park through the southwest entrance, head south, then loop our way back to the trailhead.

Gaia route:

While we should finish by dusk, please bring a headlamp with spare batteries just in case. We will stop a couple of times along the way for hydration and perhaps to observe a wildflower or two!


All participants and leaders must agree to the COVID-19 Code of Conduct before attending an in-person Mountaineers activity during our COVID-19 response. By proceeding with any of the upcoming activities you are already registered to attend, you affirm that you have reviewed The Mountaineers COVID-19 Code of Conduct and the guidance for participants and leaders available on the COVID-19 Response page, and you agree to follow this guidance during each activity. Please remove yourself from any upcoming activity if you are unable or unwilling to follow The Mountaineers guidance at the time of the program.

Full details will be emailed after registration closes on March 30. In the interim please contact the leader with any questions:


Phantom Lake Loop

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports