2384 results
Golden Lakes Loop

Golden Lakes Loop

This 24-mile classic loop backpack with 4,200 feet of gain affords immense vistas, beautiful lakes, and glorious larches in the fall! It can be done in three days but endless extensions and side trips beckon.
Goldendale Observatory

Goldendale Observatory

Night Sky & Urban Adventure
A unique state park and educational facility and dark sky park located on a 2,100-foot hilltop north of the Columbia River in eastern Washington. It is dedicated to year-round telescope viewing and scientific education.
Goldendale Sky Village

Goldendale Sky Village

Night Sky
A dedicated dark sky location for camping, and enjoying and learning about all that the night sky has to offer. It has all the qualities important to astronomers—clear skies, minimal levels of light pollution (it's a "2" on the Bortle scale), good seeing, no neighbors, and low horizons.
Goldfinch, Foss Harbor Marina

Goldfinch, Foss Harbor Marina

Sail with skippers Travis Nicholes and Meredith Taylor aboard their Catalina 22 "Goldfinch" out of Foss Harbor Marina, Slip U8 on the Foss Waterway in Tacoma. Access via Gate 1 near the Marina store, the slip is on the shore end of G dock.
Goldmyer Hot Springs

Goldmyer Hot Springs

Backpacking, Bikepacking & Day Hiking
A 9 mile round trip hike to pristine, well-maintained backcountry hot springs 25 miles east of North Bend.
Placeholder Routes & Places

Goldsborough Creek

Day Hiking & Urban Adventure
This trail ambles along salmon spawning Goldsborough Creek in Shelton. There are several areas to view manmade rapids where salmon can often be seen.
Goode Mountain/Northeast Buttress

Goode Mountain/Northeast Buttress

Mount Goode via the Northeast Buttress is Grade III-IV, 5.4.
Gothic Basin

Gothic Basin

Backpacking & Day Hiking
A strenuous, 9-mile round trip day hike or backpack with 2,840 feet of elevation gain. The trail follows the Sauk River for a mile and then ascends steeply, going through forested, rough, rugged terrain and up a steep ridge. The payoff is a pristine alpine basin dotted with tarns, streams, lakes, and meadows all set in the shadows of Gothic Peak and Del Campo.
Govan Schoolhouse

Govan Schoolhouse

Photography & Urban Adventure
A ghost town in eastern Washington's Lincoln County with abandoned schoolhouse that is perfect for a photography outing. The little red schoolhouse was built in 1906, the year The Mountaineers was established. A 1927 fire gutted the town which was completely abandoned by 1942.
Gove Peak

Gove Peak

A scramble of 7 miles with 3,300 feet of gain.
Grace Lakes

Grace Lakes

An easy snowshoe trip 4 mile snowshoe trip along a road, gaining 500 feet and leading to an expansive basin with several lakes.
Gracie Elaine, Edmonds Marina

Gracie Elaine, Edmonds Marina

Sail with Skipper Ken Wilson on his Catalina 320 "Gracie Elaine" out of Edmonds Marina Slip R47
Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park

Backpacking & Day Hiking
A vast, awe-inspiring national park in Arizona, home to the iconic Grand Canyon—a mile-deep gorge carved by the Colorado River over millions of years.
Grand Park, Scarface & Mount Fremont

Grand Park, Scarface & Mount Fremont

Backpacking, Day Hiking & Scrambling
From just outside Mount Rainier National Park's northern boundary, hike to Lake Eleanor and then on to Grand Park. Traverse Grand Park and scramble Scarface and/or Mount Fremont with a loop through Cold Basin. Both are good scrambles in the northeast corner of Mount Rainier National Park after the road to Sunrise closes.
Grand Ridge (Olympics)

Grand Ridge (Olympics)

Day Hiking
Start high and stay high on the Obstruction Point-Deer Park Trail with stunning views of Obstruction Peak, Elk Mountain, Maiden Peak, Green Mountain and Mount Olympus. A trip here can vary from moderate to very strenuous depending on your plan.
Grand Ridge Park (Snoqualmie)

Grand Ridge Park (Snoqualmie)

Bikepacking, Day Hiking & Trail Running
A foothills trail system, 9.5 miles in length running from Duthie Hill Park to I-90 Exit 20 High Point with a moderate elevation gain of up to 1,400 feet. The forested trail has multiple access points, a mature grove of western red cedar, a wetland with a 600-foot boardwalk and salmon bearing creeks. It is a multi-use trail open to hikers, trail runners, mountain bikes, horses, and dogs.
Grand Teton/Exum Ridge

Grand Teton/Exum Ridge

Exum Ridge is a classic Grade II, 5.5 intermediate alpine rock climb. Grand Teton is the highest peak in the Teton Range and Wyoming's second highest peak being just 34 feet shorter than Gannett Peak (13,804 feet) in the Wind River Range. The route offers many variations.
Grand Valley

Grand Valley

Day Hiking
Grand Valley is a strenuous, 10-mile loop day hike with 2,400 feet of elevation gain. The trail descends through scenic Badger Valley to the Grand Creek junction before going up to Grand Lake and Moose Lake. From there it goes up steep switchbacks to a ridge and back to the trailhead.
Grande Ronde River

Grande Ronde River

Packraft wild and scenic rivers in northeast Oregon and the Wallowas, typically a seven-day trip.
Granite Creek Trail

Granite Creek Trail

Day Hiking, Scrambling & Snowshoeing
A moderate to very strenuous hike or snowshoe trip in mixed forests from the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River through the beautiful Granite Creek Valley to alpine lakes. Hikes range from 8.4 to 16 miles with elevation gain from 2,810 to 4,110 feet. Leave the trail early and follow the "Z" of Zorro Road to Zorro Point or scramble to Revolution Peak up the ridge from Thompson Lake.