Alki Beach Park & Alki Point

The beaches that run northeast and southeast from Seattle's Alki Point are great for walking, jogging, rollerblading, biking, volleyball, beachcombing, learning a bit of Seattle history, and photography. For those that want to get in some elevation gain, there's the "Alki from Above" stairway walk.

on the trail

around alki point

There are many urban adventures near Alki Point. Visit the lighthouse, or spend some time relaxing at Alki Beach Park, northeast of Alki Point. Southeast from Alki Point find points of interest including the Benton Place retaining wall, Constellation Park & Marine Reserve, Cormorant Cove Park, Andover Place, Weather Watch Park, and Me-Kwa-Mooks Park. No matter which of these you choose, you'll enjoy spectacular views of the Puget Sound and Olympic Mountains.

Alki from above stairway walk

4.3 miles, 524 feet of elevation gain, 73 steps up and 374 steps down

For the more adventurous, walk the stairways near Alki Point, walk #18 in the Seattle Stairway Walks. The  neighborhoods offer unique views and  some prime walking territory. Hike the North Admiral neighborhood from Schmitz Elementary School to the Duwamish Bluff head above Alki Beach.  Peek into College Street Ravine, then descend via steep, winding streets and many stairs to reach the beach for a walk along Alki Beach Park. Return via the hidden 56th Street stairs to Schmitz Preserve Park, crossing over the WPA-constructed, 175-foot Schmitz Park Bridge listed on the National Historic Register for it's 1936 advanced construction techniques. Enjoy the old growth forest remnants  in Schmitz Preserve, a hint of what the Denny Party found in 1851.

Alki Trail

5.0 miles round trip, 90 feet of elevation gain

Walk the Alki Trail between Akli Beach Park and the West Seattle Bridge.

Sea Kayaking

Paddle in Elliott Bay and enjoy beautiful views of Alki Point and lighthouse, Seattle's waterfront, the Seattle Port, and ferries.  In some lucky days, you may see Orca and other whales. It's ~4 nm and Sea Kayak II/III difficulty.

  • Suitable Activities: Day Hiking, Sea Kayaking, Urban Walking, Urban Adventure
  • Seasons: Year-round
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Easy, Sea Kayak II/III
  • Land Manager: Seattle Parks and Recreation
  • Parking Permit Required: None
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 18
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 18
Trip Reports
  • Seattle City Map
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Trip Reports

This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place. This includes side trips, extensions and peak combinations. Not seeing a title that fits your trip? Log in and send us updates, images, or resources.

  • Alki Beach Park
  • Alki Point
  • Alki Lighthouse
  • Alki Point Lighthouse
  • Alki Trail
  • Alki from Above
  • Akli from Above Stairways
  • Alki from Above Stairway Walk
  • Elliott Bay

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