Eld Inlet

Sea kayak in an inlet in the southern part of Puget Sound near Olympia and enjoy exploring tidal estuaries with productive shellfish populations at the southernmost tip.

Launch Points

  • Access on the south can be gained near the Mud Bay Road bridge. 
  • Formal launch points serving the north end are Boston Harbor on Budd Inlet and Arcadia Launch on Totten Inlet. 
  • Access is sometimes gained from private waterfront property.

on the water

Eld Inlet lies between Cooper Point and Griffin Peninsula and extends 8 nm from its northern entrance to Mud Bay in the south.  Evergreen State College lies along its eastern shore.   Fry Cove County Park lies somewhat north on the western shore.  Eld Inlet is one of south sound's productive shellfish areas with many cultivation sites occupying the tidelands.

  • Difficulty: Sea Kayak IV
  • Land Manager: Land Manager Varies
  • Parking Permit Required: see Land Manager
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
Trip Reports
  • MapTech Puget Sound Chart No. 100
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Trip Reports

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