Enchantment Peak

A moderate scramble in The Enchantments near Leavenworth.

approach & ascent

Hike to Prusik Pass either from Colchuck Lake or Snow Lake. From Prusik Pass ascend to the northeast summit of Enchantment Peak by heading west, and then up the shoulder of the peak.  Alternatively, it may be possible to ascend a gully from Inspiration Lake.


  • This scramble can be done in one long day, but would be better to camp and do other peaks in the area.
  • Suitable Activities: Scrambling
  • Seasons: June, July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Strenuous 5, Technical 3
  • Length: 16.0 None
  • Elevation Gain: 6,100 ft
  • 8,520 ft
Trip Reports
  • Green Trails Alpine Lakes East (Stuart Range) No. 208SX
  • Green Trails The Enchantments No. 209S
  • USGS Enchantment Lakes
  • USGS Cashmere Mtn
  • USGS Blewett
  • USGS Leavenworth
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