Trek the Carian Way on Turkey's Southwest Coast

Tour Istanbul's old city, mosques, palaces, ancient Christian churches, Byzantine monuments, and historic ethnic neighborhoods. Sample fabulous Turkish cuisine above the Golden Horn. Visit stunningly preserved Roman and Greek ruins at Ephesus, Aphrodisias and Selçuk. Then explore the ancient Carian civilizations along an 850 km trail along stone paved caravan roads and mule paths connecting villages from the coasts of the Bozburun and Dasca peninsulas to the mountainous interior. The trail is signed and waymarked according to international standards allowing both independent and group travellers to hike and enjoy the scenic beauty and cultural treasures of Caria. Camp or stay in small village homes and hotels, eat simple but delicious homemade meals.

Istanbul:  A magical crossroads of civilizations for thousands of years.  The Aegean region of Turkey:  home of the best-preserved Greek ruins in the world.   Walk through an ancient Roman cistern and a Hippodrome where chariots raced.  Visit the Haga Sofia church, now a mosque, with Byzantine frescoes.  Walk through the Blue Mosque with its elaborate painted tilework.   Walk the city's spice market, bazaar and bustiling waterfront.  Cruise the Bosporus for views of Ottoman homes, forts and palaces, all the way to the Black Sea.  Tour the extensive Greek ruins along the Aegean including famed Ephesus, Selcuk and Aphrodisias.  Visit the 'cotton cliffs' and spas of Pamukkale.  Trek through the historic Carian civilization on the Carian Way, the country's newest long trail, that winds its way through ruins and ancient artifacts with stunning seacoast views  in Southwest Turkey's Datca and Bozburun peninsulas and Laka Bafa.  Stay in villages hosted by welcoming people!  Western Turkey is safe and very friendly to visitors from Europe and North America, with knowledgeable guides, convenient transportation, great lodging options and amazing food. 

  • Suitable Activities: Global Adventures
  • Seasons: January, Year-round, February, March, April, September, October, November, December
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Moderate/Strenuous
  • 1,200 ft
  • Land Manager: Land Manager Varies
  • Parking Permit Required: see Land Manager
  • Recommended Party Size: 14
  • Maximum Party Size: 15
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
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  • Explore Istanbul, the Aegean and trek the Carian Way

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