Grace Lakes

An easy snowshoe trip 4 mile snowshoe trip along a road, gaining 500 feet and leading to an expansive basin with several lakes.

getting there

From SR 2 East, take the first right turn into the Stevens Pass ski area parking lots as you reach the pass.
From SR 2 West, take the last left turn into the Stevens Pass ski area parking lots just before you leave the pass.
Stay to the left, entering Parking Lot #3 and go through the long parking lot and around a hairpin turn into Parking Lot #4, the uppermost parking area.

Snowshoe Route

From our Stevens Lodge, follow the road uphill.  Less than a quarter mile from the lodge, don't miss the right-hand turn; following the fork left will lead you up into the ski area.  The route will lead you along a road (easy route-finding!), up and down, and eventually to the Grace Lakes Basin.  Here there is rolling terrain to explore.  Seek out the knob on the northern edge for views out to Skyline Ridge and Rock Mountain.


  • Watch for skiers and boarders coming down the road.
  • Please note that this is the ONLY area within the Stevens Pass Resort boundaries where foot travel is allowed. Be sure to reference Stevens Pass Uphill Traffic Policy.
  • It's possible to hike to Grace Lakes in summer and fall, but it involves walking ~1.5 miles on the service to the top of Brooks Chair and then hiking ~0.5 mile on overgrow, hard-to-follow trail to the lakes.

information for leaders

scheduling & permits

  • If you are scheduling this as a non-course related activity, please limit your group size to the default party size. The maximum party size is for use by course field trips only, and includes both students and instructors.
  • Group size maximums do not reflect how course field trips are run (in smaller groups of students and instructors), but allow for course leaders to register the course in our system.
  • If you are scheduling a course field trip, please contact our Member Services Team to confirm the field trip and any permitting regulations.
  • The Mountaineers Stevens Lodge is currently closed to members, guests, and the public because of COVID-19 restrictions. Please check our Stevens Lodge web page for updates and more info.
  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Length: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 500 ft
  • 4,500 ft
  • Land Manager: Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
    Skykomish Ranger District (MBSNF)
  • Parking Permit Required: None
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 60
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 60
Trip Reports
  • USGS Stevens Pass
  • Green Trails Stevens Pass No. 176
  • Green Trails Alpine Lakes West (Stevens Pass) No. 176S
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Trip Reports

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