Lassen Peak

A strenuous, 5-mile round trip trail hike to the summit of the southern-most Cascade Volcano. The trail to the summit gains almost 2,000 feet. A four year “Reach the Peak” trail restoration project was completed in 2014 to improve and restore this historic trail in California's Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Getting There

From the north, drive CA-44 to its junction with CA-89 and turn east onto CA-89. Continue 22 miles to the Lassen Peak Trail parking lot (8,500 ft).

From the south, drive CA-36 to its junction with CA-89 and turn north onto CA-89. Continue 12 miles to the Lassen Peak Trail parking lot (8,500 ft).

On The Trail

Follow the well-travelled Lassen Peak Trail. Along the trail enjoy stunning vistas of the park, as well as the remains of the Mount Tehama eruption in 1915. Reach Grandview lookout at 9,500 ft. The maintained trail ends at the first summit. Hikers can continue on to the second summit and the peak's crater.

  • Suitable Activities: Day Hiking
  • Seasons: May, June, July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,000 ft
  • 10,457 ft
  • Land Manager: Land Manager Varies
  • Parking Permit Required: National Park Entrance Fee
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • USGS Lassen Peak
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