Lightning Peak
Just west of Lake Cushman, the route follows the Copper Creek trail, moderate snow or talus slopes, then a ridge rock scramble to the summit. This is a moderate scramble of 7 miles and 3,800 feet of elevation gain.
Approach & Ascent
From the trailhead on Forest Road 2451, follow Copper Creek Trail for 2.2 miles, gaining 2,400 feet, to a saddle on the north ridge at 3,200 ft. From here follow the ridge south on a way trail for a half mile to a basin with a prominent gully. This basin can be avalanche-prone in winter and early spring. Rather than ascending the gully, scramble on snow or talus, and bearing southeast up slopes to the Timber-Lightning ridge at 4,000 ft. Once on the ridge-top, scramble west up and down about 1/4 mile to the true summit at 4,654 ft.
- Hazard: An avalanche-prone basin in winter and early spring.
- Suitable Activities: Scrambling
- Seasons: May, June, July, August, September, October
- Weather: View weather forecast
- Difficulty: Technical 3, Strenuous 3
- Length: 8.0 mi
- Elevation Gain: 4,100 ft
- 4,654 ft
Land Manager:
Olympic National Forest
Hood Canal Ranger District (ONF)
- Parking Permit Required: Northwest Forest Pass
- Recommended Party Size: 12
- Maximum Party Size: 12
- Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
- USGS Lightning Peak
- USGS Mt Skokomish
- Custom Correct Mount Skokomish - Lake Cushman
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