Lily Basin to Heart Lake

Strenuous day hike or moderate overnight backpack from Lily Basin trailhead to Heart Lake. From Heart Lake, optional additional destinations include Angry Mountain Trail, Goat Lake, Snowgrass Flats, Snowgrass Trail, the PCT, Old Snowy, and other areas of the Goat Lake Wilderness.

A less-traveled trail to access the Goat Rocks Wilderness that includes Heart Lake and possible trips to Angry Mountain Trail, Goat Lake, and Snowgrass Flats.

The hike from Lily Basin to Heart Lake is 6.4 miles with steady include of about 500 feet gain per mile. Total elevation gain one-way is 2800 feet. From Heart Lake, an additional 3 miles (1700 feet elevation gain) east over Goat Ridge to Goat Lake, where hikers can continue on to access Snowgrass Flats, Snowgrass Trail, the PCT, Old Snowy, and other areas of the Goat Lake Wilderness. Alternatively, hikers can head west from Heart Lake to Angry Mountain Trail for views of Mt Adams and Mt St Helens.

  • Suitable Activities: Backpacking, Day Hiking
  • Seasons: July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: *Varies*
  • Length: 12.8 None
  • Elevation Gain: 2,100 ft
  • 6,120 ft
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  • Lily Basin to Heart Lake, Goat Lake, Snowgrass Flats

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