Marymere Falls & Barnes Creek

An easy to moderate hike along a creek in the Olympics and to a 90-foot waterfall. Trips range from 1.8 to 8.4 miles round trip and elevation gains of 200 to 1,720 feet.

getting there

Drive US 101 to the Storm King Ranger Station on the south shore of Lake Crescent, 20 miles west of Port Angeles.

on the trail

marymere falls (820 ft)

an easy 1.8-mile round trip hike with 200 feet of elevation gain

Hike the Barnes Creek-Marymere Falls Trail 0.7 mile (700 ft), turn right and continue 0.2 mile to the waterfall that originates from Falls Creek as it winds down the steep slopes of Aurora Peak and plummets 90 feet into a dark ravine. Visit in winter when run-off has the falls flowing at full capacity.

barnes creek (2,050 ft)

a moderate 8-mile round trip hike with 1,600 feet of elevation gain

Hike the Barnes Creek-Marymere Falls Trail 0.7 mile (700 ft) and continue straight on the Barnes Creek Trail. At 4 miles from the trailhead (2,050 ft) reach a good point to turn around. The trail is abandoned here but a path continues along Barnes Creek to Lookout Dome.

  • Difficulty: Easy/Moderate
  • Length: 8.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,600 ft
  • 2,050 ft
  • Land Manager: Olympic National Park
  • Parking Permit Required: National Park Entrance Fee
  • Recommended Party Size: 8
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
  • Custom Correct Lake Crescent - Happy Lake Ridge
  • Green Trails Lake Crescent No. 101
  • USGS Lake Crescent
  • USGS Lake Sutherland
Trip Reports

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  • Marymere Falls
  • Barnes Creek

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