Noble Knob via Dalles Ridge

An easy hike with 700 feet elevation gain over 5 miles round trip. From the summit of Noble Knob there is a breathtaking panoramic view that includes one of the best views of Mount Rainier. Extend your hike by visiting George, Lost, and/or Greenwater Lakes. This is one of the best late summer hikes, because there are magnificent views, the snow is melted, the weather is warm, and the bugs will be gone.

getting there

Drive 23.7 miles east from Enumclaw on SR-410 and turn left onto Forest Road 72. Drive 7.5 miles and turn right onto Forest Road 7250 and drive 2.6 miles to the end of the road, and the Dalles Ridge Trailhead (5,300 ft). Park along the road.

on the trail

Noble Knob (6,011 ft)

5 miles round trip, 700 feet of elevation gain

Hike south on the Dalles Ridge Trail (No. 1173) bearing left at the intersection in 0.5 mile. In 1.2 miles, turn left onto the Noble Knob Trail (No. 1184).  In 0.2 mile, take the middle of three trails at the intersection, and hike to the summit of Noble Knob in 0.4 mile.

Noble Knob & George Lake

6.5 miles round trip, 850 feet of elevation gain

From Noble Knob hike the spur 0.4 mile back to the Noble Knob Trail, turn right and hike 0.6 mile to an intersection. Turn right and hike the spur trial 0.2 mile to George Lake.

Lost Lake

8.8 miles round trip, 2,400 feet of elevation gain

Hike south on the Dalles Ridge Trail (No. 1173) bearing left at the intersection in 0.5 mile. In 1.2 miles, turn left onto the Noble Knob Trail (No. 1184). In 0.2 mile, take the right of three trails at the intersection, and hike to Lost Lake 2.9 miles. A side trip to Noble Knob adds 0.8 mile round trip and 300 feet of elevation gain.

Lost & Greenwater Lakes

15 miles round trip, 3,100 feet of elevation gain
9.2 miles one-way, 400 feet of elevation gain, 3,200 feet of elevation loss

From Lost Lake hike 2 miles to a junction. Bear left and hike 1.2 miles to Greenwater Lakes. Continue on from Greenwater Lakes 1.8 miles to the Greenwater Lakes Trailhead for a one-way trip. A side trip to Noble Knob adds 0.8 mile round trip and 300 feet of elevation gain.


  • This is one of the best late summer hikes, because there are magnificent views, the snow is melted, and the weather is still warm. 
  • In late summer summer through fall, it's likely that the bugs will also be gone. 
  • See our Greenwater, Echo & Lost Lakes route/place for more info about these lakes

Information for leaders


As of 2017, the Snoqualmie Ranger District considers Mountaineers trips and courses to be "nominal use". Leaders should print and copy this designation letter to show rangers they may see on trail.

  • Suitable Activities: Backpacking, Day Hiking
  • Seasons: July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: *Varies*
  • Length: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 700 ft
  • 6,011 ft
Trip Reports
  • Green Trails Greenwater No. 238
  • Green Trails Lester No. 239
  • Trails Illustrated Goat Rocks, Norse Peak & William O. Douglas Wilderness Areas
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Trip Reports

This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place. This includes side trips, extensions and peak combinations. Not seeing a title that fits your trip? Log in and send us updates, images, or resources.

  • Noble Knob
  • Noble Knob & George Lake
  • Lost Lake via Dalles Ridge
  • Noble Knob & Lost Lake
  • Lost & Greenwater Lakes via Dalles Ridge
  • Noble Knob, Lost & Greenwater Lakes

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