Crow Lake Way

Day hike near Chinook Pass leads to high meadows, views of Fife's Peak and Rainier.

getting there

Drive 12.2 miles east of Chinook Pass on SR-410 and turn north into the parking areas. There are two parking areas, the first is for the Fifes Peak Viewpoint and the second for the Crow Lake Way Trailhead  (3,400 ft) with room for four cars.

on the TRAIL

As of 2021, the Crow Lake Way Trail has been rerouted, because the old trail was washed out. To find the new trail, head west through the horse camp and cross a bridge. Look for the new trail to the right and follow it until it merges with the old trail. Hike 2.5 miles as the trail switchbacks and gains ~2,000 feet. Then hike gradually uphill for another 1.5 miles until reaching a saddle the saddle at ~5,800 ft.  From here wander west or east along the ridge, the easterly ramble leads to a climbers path to Fife's Peaks.  The saddle is a good turn-around for a day hike.  Those seeking an overnight trip can continue down the trail to Sheepherder and Crow Lakes, the last of which is 12 miles from the trailhead.

approach & ascent

Fifes Peak, West Peak (6,685 ft)

11 miles round trip, 3,600 feet of elevation gain, difficulty: Strenuous ?, Technical ?

Hike the Crow Lake Way Trail 4.0 miles to the grassy saddle at ~5,800 ft. Head east, crossing several gullies, and then head north to the saddle at 6,500 ft. Follow the ridge to just below the west peak. Traverse below cliffs until east of the summit and then ascend the west ridge to the summit.

  • Suitable Activities: Day Hiking
  • Seasons: July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Strenuous
  • Length: 10.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,600 ft
  • 5,000 ft
  • Green Trails Bumping Lake No. 271
  • Green Trails Lester No. 239
  • USGS Goose Prairie
Trip Reports

This is a list of titles that represent the variations of trips you can take at this route/place. This includes side trips, extensions and peak combinations. Not seeing a title that fits your trip? Log in and send us updates, images, or resources.

  • Crow Lake
  • Sheepherder Lake
  • Fifes Peak
  • Fifes Peak, West Peak

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