Pete & Spectacle Lakes

The hike to Pete Lake is an easy 4.5 miles with 450 feet of elevation gain and is essentially a continuation of the Cooper River Trail near Snoqualmie Pass. The trail begins in deep forest, with close views of the river during the early stretch. For a backpacking trip, continue on to Spectacle Lake just off the the Pacific Crest Trail.

getting there

Take Exit 80 (Roslyn/Salmon la Sac) off of I-90. Turn left (north) on SR-903/Salmon la Sac Road and continue 16.8 miles through Roslyn and past Cle Elum Lake. Turn left (west) on Forest Road 46 and follow 4.7 miles. Turn right on Forest Road 4616 and continue 1 mile to the trailhead.

on the trail

Pete Lake

From the trailhead at the north end of Cooper Lake hike along the Cooper River to Pete Lake It's 9 miles round trip and  400 feet of elevation gain with a high point of 3,200 ft. The valley is blanketed with thick old-growth forest and the occasional river meadow, but few distant views of Big Summit Chief Mountain to the west and the surrounding ridges.  The western side has a toilet and some decent camp sites.

Spectacle Lake

From Pete Lake, continue on the Pete Lake Trail east to a junction just before the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Turn left and hike to the PCT in 0.8 miles. Follow the PCT south 2.9 miles and turn right onto the Spectacle Lake Trail, reaching the lake in ~0.7 miles. This is a moderate 20 mile round trip backpack with 1,760 feet of elevation gain with a high point of 4,300 ft. Spectacle Lake is one of the most beautiful of the Alpine Lakes featuring mountain views and a stunning waterfall.

Alternative: Instead of a round trip backpack, consider setting up a car shuttle at the Mineral Creek Trailhead and either starting there and ending at Cooper Lake or visa versa. The trailheads at Cooper Lake and Mineral Creek are ~4.5 miles apart.


  • The trail to the lake can be quite popular and crowded as it is relatively easy and is on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass so it has better than even odds to be drier than on the west side.
  • The Pete Lake Trail is fairly wide and is shared with horses. Don’t be surprised if you run into a few.
  • Lemah Creek near Pete Lake may be a challenge to cross and may require a detour that adds 4.5 miles.
  • Suitable Activities: Backpacking, Day Hiking
  • Seasons: May, June, July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Moderate
  • Length: 9.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 400 ft
  • 3,200 ft
Trip Reports
  • Green Trails Kachess Lake No. 208
  • Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass No. 207
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Trip Reports

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  • Pete Lake
  • Spectacle Lake

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