Panorama Ridge

This is a deservedly popular scramble route with panoramic views of Lake Garibaldi and the surrounding peaks in Canada's British Columbia. The route is mostly trail with some off trail scrambling.

getting there

Drive north on Highway 99 from Vancouver.  Approximately 20 miles north of Cleveland Ave in Squamish turn right and follow the "Black Tusk/Garibaldi Lake" signs. Drive approximately 1.5 miles to the parking area at the end of the paved road.  Take the Garibaldi Lake trail 3.5 miles to a trail intersection and turn left following the signs for Taylor Meadows, approximately 0.5 miles further.

approach & ascent

From the campground follow the trail southeast, crossing Taylor creek.  Continue for 1.2 miles to a junction in the Black Tusk Meadows (Note if you camp at Garibaldi lake you can reach this point by following the signs for Back Tusk Viewpoint). Take the left junction trail towards Panorama Ridge.  In 400 yards take a right at the junction and continue towards Panorama Ridge.  Approximately 1 mile further reach another intersection and turn right, descending and passing Black Tusk.  Continue on the trail and ascend Panorama Ridge.  At the intersection of the West Ridge turn left and follow the ridge up to the false summit and then several hundred yards further reach the true summit.


  • Reference: Scrambles in Southwest British Columbia by Matt Gunn (Cairn Publishing 2005).

information for leaders

  • Suitable Activities: Scrambling
  • Seasons: May, June, July, August, September, October
  • Weather: View weather forecast
  • Difficulty: Strenuous 4, Technical 2
  • Length: 15.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 5,100 ft
  • 6,998 ft
  • Land Manager: Garibaldi Provincial Park
  • Parking Permit Required: None
  • Recommended Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Party Size: 12
  • Maximum Route/Place Capacity: 12
Trip Reports
  • Clark Geomatics Garibaldi Park
  • CNTS Cheakamus River 92G/14
  • Green Trails Whistler No. 92J1S
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