Seattle Olmsted 70 Section 8 Resources

Starts at High Point between the two standpipes and heads through Fauntleroy Park past Captain’s Park and the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal to Lincoln Park. The Bruun Idun Troll greets shoreline walkers on their way to Lowman Beach Park. Passing Me-Kwa-Mooks Park near the unrealized Sound Bluffs Parkway, the route pauses in Constellation Park to end at the Coast Guard Alki Point Lighthouse. . It’s 6.9 miles one-way with 143 feet elevation gain (11.1 km, 44 m of elevation gain)

Seattle Olmsted 70 Section 8 CalTopo Map North

A CalTopo map of the northern part of Section 8 of the Seattle Olmsted 70 route by Peter Hendrickson June 2024.

application/pdf Sec8north SeaOlm70 31May2024.pdf — 692.9 KB

Seattle Olmsted 70 Section 8 CalTopo Map South

A CalTopo map of the southern part of Section 8 of the Seattle Olmsted 70 route by Peter Hendrickson June 2024.

application/pdf Sec8south SeaOlm70 31May2024.pdf — 832.5 KB

Seattle Olmsted 70 Section 8 GPX File

A GPX file of Section 8 of the Seattle Olmsted route by Peter Hendrickson June 2024.

application/octet-stream sec8-hi-point-alki-point.gpx — 61.6 KB

Seattle Olmsted 70 Section 8 Info Sheet

An info sheet including public transportation, toilets, and treats at both section junctions and midway points for Section 8, High Point to Lincoln Park, of the Seattle Olmsted route by Peter Hendrickson June 2024.

application/pdf Sec 8 SeaOlm70 17Jun2024 MS_PH.pdf — 1.3 MB