South Fork Hoh River

A little known hike in Olympic National Park that starts on Washington State DNR land and travels through old growth forest with big trees and moss. Consider an overnight at Big Flat backcountry camp.

Getting There

From US-101 for 15 miles south of Forks, turn left onto the Hoh Mainline junction, and drive 7 miles. Turn left onto Maple Creek Road, staying left in 1 mile to stay on the main road, and in 1.2 miles turn right onto DNR Road H-1000. Drive 4 miles, go straight at the big clear cut, and drive another mile. Turn left, cross the South Fork Hoh River near a primitive DNR campground in 0.25 mile. Continue 2 miles, bear right, and drive 0.5 mile to the trailhead (700 ft).

On the Trail

Hike east long the trail that follows the South Fork of the Hoh River, entering Olympic National Park in 0.4 mile. Enjoy a leisurely stroll through old growth trees and all sorts of mosses. In about a mile reach Big Flat and at 1.3 miles reach the Big Flat campsite on the right. The trail ends at the river at about 3.5 miles from the trailhead.

Land Managers

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Length: 7.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 150 ft
  • 850 ft
Trip Reports
  • Green Trails Mt Tom No. 133
  • Custom Correct Mount Olympus Climber's Map
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