Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Aid Climb - Index Town Wall/Town Crier

An attempt on classic aid route in Index. Note - The Cheeks area has raptor closure, but not the Davis Holland area.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

Started at 6AM from the Index Town Wall parking lot for 30 minutes hike to the base of the route. Surprised to find a team on portaledge halfway up the wall to the right, but no one else on Town Crier. Started at 7 AM climbing free, then switched to aid to get up pitch one. Bypassed the flaring chimney pitch by traversing further out right to the base of the Twelve Angry Bees bolt ladder and headed up, using stick clip. Petr continued on, leading the next crux pitch. A few pendulum swings later, he was on the crack heading up to the belay above. Swung lead for pitch four, and the Petr started on the flaring corner pitch up to the anchors below the slightly overhung crack. It was 4 PM at this point, and we considered it good enough and turned aroundx. Two full-length double rope rappels were enough to get us back on flat ground. Team to our right must have been setting a new route as we heard discussion on bolt placement and sound of drills. Back to the car at 6PM and then drove back home to our families.