
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Bedal Peak

A nice scramble to a summit with views of Sloan Peak and limited other peaks due to the smoke.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was in good shape. The climber trail was well flag and reasonable easy to follow, we did get off it a couple of times but were able to find it again. The upper part of the route was a combination of boulders, slabs, heather and some snow fields. 

I choose to do the Merry Brook route which starts at the 2nd major switchback on FS RD 4096. There is a pull out area for several cars and the climber trail starts on the up hill side just beyond the switchback. We follow the steep climber trail which pass through a couple of boulder fields to about 4800' where we enter a heather meadow. Worked our way up the meadow until we spotted the key ramp which gets you by the cliff band. From the top of the ramp we worked our way around a large buttress then headed south through mix header/rocks/slabs/snowfield for the NW ridge. We then when up the ridge to the summit. 

The smoke limited the views but we were able to get good view of Sloan Peak. One person did get stung by a yellow jacket. Overall a good NW scramble.

IMG_1059.JPG                                        Looking up a the summit

IMG_1075 (2).JPG                                                     Coming down key ramp

IMG_1061.JPG                                                             Slabs / Summit


                                      Sloan Peak hanging out in the smoke from summit






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