Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Big Chiwaukum

Fun overnight trip of Big Chiwaukum with great company! Would rate as a 5 except for the cold summit!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Met in Monroe at 7 AM and started hiking around 8:45.  Road in great shape.  Trail to turn off to Big Chiwaukum snow free and in good shape.  Had thought about adding snowgrass, but it was around 3 by the time we arrived to the turn off to Big Chiwaukum so decided to take it more leisurely.   Had originally planned to camp at Grace lake, but couple on the way up told us it was surrounded by snow and difficult to find running water. Found a camp before the ridge with running water and semi flat camp sites which also saved us some elevation gain/loss.  Route to camp was relatively straightforward, but definitely helpful to have a GPX track to get through some of the steep areas.  No real bootpath except at very beginning and not much snow.  3361 gain and 7.65 miles on first day.  Biggest problem was a few dicey water crossings but all managed with rocks/logs/ or a bit of searching.


    Camp site with matching shirts (not planned)Ridge is in the background.  Basically head up to ridge and turn left.IMG_4722(1) (2).heic


    Got to camp by 4 so had nice relaxing dinner and chatting.  Weather was great.  Up next AM and hiking by 7.   Hiked up to ridge, some snow on the way but never used crampons and did not bring snow shoes.  Verified that our camp spot was definitely better then going to the lake (below)


    Once on ridge route was relatively straight forward following ridge except need to drop down before the final traverse, (As stated in mountaineers description -turn north staying below the summit headwall and scramble past blocky ledges to the summit pinnacle) so we wasted some time with that!  Again good to have a GPX track!  Summit block was a relatively easy scramble and most of summit snow free.  It was COLD and windy at top so we didn't spend much time there. 

    On the way up to the ridge.  Snow in good condition with minimal post holing.


    Summit photoIMG_5265(1).heic

    Way down was uneventful with good group.  Packed up tents and back to car by about 5:30.

    Great trip!  Was really beautiful even without summit views.  Would be a great fall trip, and nice to add snowgrass with a bit more time