Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Breccia Peak
A scramble with views of Sloan, Glacier, Pugh and more.
- Tue, Jun 11, 2019
- Alpine Scramble - Breccia Peak
- Breccia Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Trail in good shape until we ran into snow about 5500'. After that good snow conditions.
The day was the first of the three hot Seattle area days. Found conditions to be on the warm side but ok. We hike the trail to the Round Lake overlook at which point we lost the trail. Nice views of Mt Sloan.
After dropping down a heather slope we picked up the trail and left the trail aiming for the saddle just east of the false summit.
From the saddle we went up the ridge bypass the false summit on the right on fairly steep snow. A picture looking back at the ridge from the summit.
After a late lunch on the summit we headed down the ridge to the low point before the false summit and then drop to Sunup Lake.
After refilling our water bottles at the lake we dropped to the trail and hike out.