Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Coleman Pinnacle

excellent low strenuous late season scramble.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Sunny,warm late september day.  Route was dry (no snow/icy).  

    Party chose to ascend/descend following the south ridge contour vs straight to the gap.  Approaching the summit block from the south was very straightforward.  Didn't feel like any T4 on route, but can see it being T4 type level if wet or icy.  Fall colors were popping, but still not quite at peak brilliance.  Great time with a great crew.

just the facts:

Summit large enough for our party of 7 to fit and relax.  Breeze was nice else it would have been hot!

Good amount of goat poo on the summit.  

Trail was busy with weekend hikers

Beautiful day!