Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Del Campo Peak
Trip of July 30, 2016: We made good time with no incidents and a strong enjoyable team. The only drawback was a few too many clouds on the summit, but this was made up for by the pleasant scrambling conditions, which the clouds kept from being unpleasantly hot.
- Sat, Jul 30, 2016
- Alpine Scramble - Del Campo Peak
- Del Campo Peak
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
There were no route issues. A little bit of hard snow below the summit block in the usual place. Fog at Foggy Lake and clouds on the summit, but still a fair amount of summit views. Only the cloud cover kept this iteration of this magnificent trip from being a "5."
Everything went well from beginning to end, with the slight departure from perfection of the over-abundant cloud cover. The scramblers, a mix of experienced veterans and enthusiastic and attentive students, eagerly took on the challenge of scrambling routes on the "face" of the summit, rather than taking the trail that winds around the "ridge." The party members also seized the opportunity to practice standing glissading ("boot skiing"), with mixed results and general hilarity. Thanks to a great group for yet another fun day in the mountains!