Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Foss Peak from Narada Falls

Successful scramble of "winter route" from Narada Falls to Reflection Lakes and then up to the ridge with a west approach of Foss.

  • Road impassable/closed
  • Stevens Canyon Rd is still closed as of 5/7/18, so we started at Narada Falls and walked Stevens Canyon Rd to Reflection Lakes.  We are in a transition pattern to the snow softening up and melting.  Tons of snow up there still, but the snow is very soft which makes for slower going.

As of 5/7/18, Stevens Canyon Rd is still closed so we had to start at Narada Falls.  We kick stepped up "Narada Face" to Stevens Canyon Rd and then walked the road to Reflection Lake.  We followed the path to the east of the Castle splitting off to the east near the top of the ridge.  We descended down the ridge.  There are cornices all along the ridge so we stayed to the south of the ridgeline.  We then scrambled up the final 500 feet to the summit.  The weather was sunny and mild.  Snow was soft but we didn't use snowshoes until our final 500 feet.  We had good glissades all the way down.  Pace was on the slow side to the softness of the snow (4.5 hours from parking lot to summit, but only 2.5 hours back thanks to the glissades). We had a strong group with a mix of scramble students and more experienced scramblers and climbers.