Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Little Si

This was a pleasant Sunday morning scramble and four students successfully completed their final rock scramble.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route was dry and easy to follow. We saw some wasps, but I didn't notice any nests and no one got stung.

The Little Si parking lot was about half full when we met for our trailhead briefing at 7:30am. We hiked the Little Si trail to a turnoff, that was new to me, shortly before the usual trail to the repo and AWOL climbing routes. After the gully, we followed the bootpath to the open book. My mentor and co-leader, Karen Wallace, showed us the starting holds and everyone successfully made it through. From there, we had a chance to practice walking on slabs to a rock wall with a fun ledge system. The ledges took us to the base of final slabs up to the summit. Everyone chose their own route to the summit, where we took a long break for photos and summit treats. We had a pleasant hike back down the Little Si trail to the trailhead. Our round trip time was three hours. Many thanks for Karen for mentoring me and showing me all of the talking points and learning opportunities on this route.