
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - McClellan Butte

Early Sunday morning trip with - No hikers, no views and no sun. But a 3.5 hours round trip. Planned as a conditioning scramble. One student graudated.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Forest Road is a dirt road. Passable with comfort by high rise vehicles, but low rise vehicles can still commute in early season. Definitely not recommended in winter or rainy seasons for low clearance vehicles as the road is steep and narrow.

Started at 7.15 AM. Nice wet Sunday morning. After last minute cancellations, I had 4 ppl on the trip including myself. 

Looks like the trail had some maintenace done in the last couple of weeks, fallen logs were removed. We hiked to the base of the scramble in 90 minutes at a brisk pace. 

Some fall colours and some vegetation




The rock was wet but scramble-able considering all the awesome and sturdy, foot and hand holds.  


As we started heading down - the weather got better and awesome views
